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Thread: tell me guys is it funny???

  1. #31
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by allyn View Post

    my father inlaw used to to that kind of joke to me before and most of the time i tried to just smile and laugh with them.
    I once complain about it to my husband but he said its just a joke, and if i cant get with them with those kind of joke i should not go with them...he said im over reacting about it, and that conversation turn into an argument....
    I'd be furious, if a family member, friend or whoever did that to my wife. ...and for your husband to say you are over-reacting, well, it say's it all really.

    To humiliate and physically hurt you, then laugh it off.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by allyn View Post
    my hubby, father inlaw and brother inlaw went out tonight for a concert then had some drink,
    me and my brother inlaw girl friend was been left behind in the flat and my mother inlaw pick them up to go to back in our flat after their concert and drink....
    everyone seemed to be having fun, they are very happy when they arrive in our flat, i guess thats because they already a bit drunk ,,,all of us were laughing from their jokes...
    but after a few minutes my father inlaw starting to hit me in the back of my head and kick me in the butt....
    every one is laugh including my husband,,,it seemed to be a joke to them so i ignore it and laugh with them. Then after a couple of minutes he hit me again twice in the back of my head and kick me in the butt,,,,
    they all laugh ,,, for me its starting to feel annoying and painful so i tried to walk away slowly ...

    do you really think their physical joke is funny?
    i try to understand that maybe they just have enough alcohol and they are drunk thats why they are doing it, but to hit me in the back of my head 3x and kick me in the
    butt 2x is not funny its quite painfull.
    Hi allyn, as what everyone said here already, that kind of joke from your father in law is definitely strange and uncalled for.....
    I cannot imagine a brother in law doing that to me, let alone a father in law, that makes it all weirder......
    The next time he tried pulling that kind of joke at you again, speak up and tell him "hey, that hurts already".....
    Or better yet, tell your father in law when he's sober that you're not a punching bag and as much as they probably think its funny
    to give a joke punch and kick to a 4'11 girl like you by a 6 footer like him, tell him its more offensive than funny for you.....
    It's quite strange too that your mother in law thinks its funny and just laugh instead of telling her husband to stop....
    Draw the line, you don't deserve this kind of disrespect specially from your father in law, of all people
    and don't put up with his crappy rude jokes...... too bad though, that you're hubby thinks its funny as well,
    when he's suppose to be the very first person to protect you and make sure you're not hurt in any way,
    he should be the one telling his dad to stop and not justify his dad's behavior as nothing but an innocent joke.......
    The bottomline is, its a painful, rude and disrespectful joke.....and it has to stop.
    "10% of life is made up of what happens to you, 90% is decided by how you react"
    "The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost"

  3. #33
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    girl, you ARE the joke... that's why they were laughing when the father in law did that to you... oh goodness me...

    talk to your husband about it... and do what boss keith suggested.. lol

  4. #34
    Respected Member Geraldine's Avatar
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    Hi Allyn,

    That is totally out of order...never let anyone make fun of you nor insult you. Tell them straight away that its not funny. If they find it funny then let them do it to someone else! If it doesnt work and he does it to you again, pour a pint over his head and laugh. Dont let it happen again ok?!

  5. #35
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    Hi allyn,
    I am sorry to type this but after being treated so disgracefully, you should now be plotting your exit from this abuse.
    Once it starts, it usually continues.
    Be smart.

  6. #36
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geraldine View Post
    If he does it to you again, pour a pint over his head and laugh!
    ? Now there's an ... nice one, Geraldine!

  7. #37
    Respected Member whiteraven's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Hi allyn,
    I am sorry to type this but after being treated so disgracefully, you should now be plotting your exit from this abuse.
    Once it starts, it usually continues.
    Be smart.
    i have to agree on this one im afraid.

  8. #38
    Respected Member Ji&Ma's Avatar
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    This is absolutely unacceptable behaviour
    Try to tell him (or maybe tell your husband) sweetly that next time you will kick his itlogs where his lubot is...

    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Hi allyn,
    I am sorry to type this but after being treated so disgracefully, you should now be plotting your exit from this abuse.
    Once it starts, it usually continues.
    Be smart.
    Jiri & Maricel

  9. #39
    Respected Member Pete67's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by allyn View Post
    my hubby, father inlaw and brother inlaw went out tonight for a concert then had some drink,
    me and my brother inlaw girl friend was been left behind in the flat and my mother inlaw pick them up to go to back in our flat after their concert and drink....
    everyone seemed to be having fun, they are very happy when they arrive in our flat, i guess thats because they already a bit drunk ,,,all of us were laughing from their jokes...
    but after a few minutes my father inlaw starting to hit me in the back of my head and kick me in the butt....
    every one is laugh including my husband,,,it seemed to be a joke to them so i ignore it and laugh with them. Then after a couple of minutes he hit me again twice in the back of my head and kick me in the butt,,,,
    they all laugh ,,, for me its starting to feel annoying and painful so i tried to walk away slowly ...

    do you really think their physical joke is funny?
    i try to understand that maybe they just have enough alcohol and they are drunk thats why they are doing it, but to hit me in the back of my head 3x and kick me in the
    butt 2x is not funny its quite painfull.
    This is so wrong on so many levels, if my dad had done this (and I can't ever imagine he would) I would have laid him out after first assault and thrown him out the house. Along with the rest of the family.. I am really sorry to say this but your husband needs to decide where his loyalties lie, with a bullying family who seem to think they can assault his wife with impunity or with a loving wife. I wish you luck and please remember you really do have choices, and I wouldn't even ever be in the same house as the father-in-law if you can avoid it.

  10. #40
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pete67 View Post
    I wouldn't even ever be in the same house as the father-in-law if you can avoid it.
    ... Very well-said!

  11. #41
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Allyn from what I have read and from the issues you mentioned before you do need to seek advice from those you can trust. Whether its friends who have no contact with your family, advisers at work or supplied by your workplace, a person in your church or go to your local CAB.

    From what I read and what you mentioned in previous threads your treated as a second class citizen in your marriage and relationship it seems.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

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