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Thread: I think I want to cry!!!

  1. #1
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    I think I want to cry!!!

    I think my head is going to explode! I can't believe how much hassle it is (or at least seems to be) to get married in the Philippines! There just seems to be so many things to have to sort out and so many things that could go wrong and so much mis-information (not from here though) flying around!!!

    I picked up my CNI today from the local registrar but was a little bit concerned about its validity with the Consulate in Cebu, so I phoned the Consulate to check just now.

    First, I tried to establish if the certificate I had was the correct one, but it seems the Consulate has no idea what one from the Isle of Man is like. Effectively it seems like I could turn up with any bit of paper that looks official claiming it's ok for me to marry which worries me a little!

    Secondly, after saying my fiancee had already phoned and made an appointment, I was told that there is no way she would be allowed to make an appointment and that it has to be me to do it. After a couple of minutes of arguing that I had an appointment, I gave up and tried to make one, then only to be told I already had an appointment! What a surprise!!

    Thirdly, after reading in I don't know how many places that I need to produce my birth certificate at the Consulate, they tell me I don't!! Then why is it listed on the Consulate website!?!!

    Fourthly (is that a word!? ), after mentioning I was getting married in a hotel, I'm told I could be on shakey ground legally with the marriage and I would be safer getting married in Chambers. When I mentioned that it wasn't a judge marrying me, but the Mayor of Talisay, the topic was quickly pushed aside because as quite rightly pointed out, "that's not an issue for the Consulate". But it still now leaves me with a doubt and yet another thing I have to re-check!!!

    Anyway, rant over!

  2. #2
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    Dave, I can't imagine the stress you're going through, but if you could post the whole procedure that you've been through it would be good to know. Although i've read advice on another website, it's still a bit vague and we're planning to marry in Cebu in November 2010 :-) Whilst we have a venue, receptions, hotels and flights already in progress... (yes we're keen!) the whole procedural side is baffling....

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    Fourthly (is that a word!? ), after mentioning I was getting married in a hotel, I'm told I could be on shakey ground legally with the marriage and I would be safer getting married in Chambers. When I mentioned that it wasn't a judge marrying me, but the Mayor of Talisay, the topic was quickly pushed aside because as quite rightly pointed out, "that's not an issue for theConsulate". But it still now leaves me with a doubt and yet another thing I have to re-check!!!

    Re where you marry.

    Three years ago when we were trying to get someone to marry us, we called in on a solicitor, in the conversation he said there had been a 'recent' court finding that marriages in non registered places, the beach, garden weddings etc were no longer legal unless one of the parties was unable to travel for medical reasons to a registered place (church, court, town hall etc).

    Despite this advice, we had the garden wedding we had planned, performed by the mayor.

  4. #4
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Sounds like you are suffering from pre-wedding nerves Dave...or Simon, as I think your real name is (mine too)......we all go through it.

    As long as the CNI is the legal one here, then it is ok, as you change it for the Philippine version there...Though I don't have experience of Cebu, as we changed ours in Manila.

    I think you'll probably just frustrate yourself even more, if you try phoning, bureaucracy is just too crazy. Try not too worry too much, as there isn't much you can do here.

    You need your Birth Certificate too. Think you started another thread, to do with it, not sure what you meant by that....Don't forget your Fiancees CENOMAR too....I expect you know, just reminding you. my wifes thread 'Judges Raffling', VERY IMPORTANT if you are going to be married by a judge.

  5. #5
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    RickyR....and anyone else getting married, here is the link

  6. #6
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I think Dave's pregnant

    Best thing to do with the CNI is get it verified/stamped as authentic by a solicitor, and get him to included a letter confirming it is a legal UK CNI.
    Keith - Administrator

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    I think Dave's pregnant

    Best thing to do with the CNI is get it verified/stamped as authentic by a solicitor, and get him to included a letter confirming it is a legal UK CNI.
    I think I might be! I have terrible mood swings and I seem to be getting sudden hunger pains every time I see a coal truck drive past!

    I make take up your advice about the solicitor and get something sorted on the IOM. Cheers fella.

    To everyone else, thanks for comments. I worry too much. Get it from my Mum I think, so I'm blaming her for all this for now!

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    Quote Originally Posted by DaveUK View Post
    I think I might be! I have terrible mood swings and I seem to be getting sudden hunger pains every time I see a coal truck drive past!

    I make take up your advice about the solicitor and get something sorted on the IOM. Cheers fella.

    To everyone else, thanks for comments. I worry too much. Get it from my Mum I think, so I'm blaming her for all this for now!
    Calm down Dave!

    Lols you are like my husband, when we were about to marry, he couldn't find his passport and he was in terrible mood lol. His Mom, helped and she found it. He also blamed him Mom.

    My husband is an HGV driver and drives truck with full of coal so be careful on the road!

  9. #9
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Hi Simon,
    Maybe you should consider exchanging your CNI at the British Embassy in Manila. You don't need an appointment and it's usually exchanged for the local version within an hour. It seems that the consulate in Cebu don't know what their doing if they don't know anything about the Isle of Man.

  10. #10
    Restricted Access September's Avatar
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    All I can say Simon best wishes, all the best on your wedding day

  11. #11
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    Ok i recently got married in the Philippines so perhaps my experience might answer some of your questions:-

    1) Obtained CNI from registrar here in the UK after waiting 21 days....i didnt get it authorised by a solicitor.
    2) flew to manilla with the CNI and my then partners CENOMAR , live birth certificate, my birth certificate, previous wifes death certificate and previous marriage certificate...and the fee. Got up early to visit British Embassy at 7:45 (i think it was) when it opened.
    3). They exchanged the CNI for one acceptable to the Philippines authorities on payment of the fee....same day service....infact done within one hour but i was first in the que.
    4). flew to Tacloban and next day went to Basey SAmar registrar office to apply for the Marriage Certificate. As we were both over 21 no seminar needed. lots of photocopying was done!
    5) After 10 days (working days ) minimum we collect the Certificate from the registrar.
    6). Found two witnesses and a judge who agreed to marry us after looking very closely at all the papers.
    ( i think my wife managed to pull a few strings here as she seems to be related to half the population of Basey).
    7) gotmarried on 27th August...i arived there in Manilla the evening of the 12th and was at the embassy on the 13th. registrars on the 14th!. so not counting weekends it was tight doing it in 21 days!

    Hope this helps you a bit!

  12. #12
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    read the latest from lordna, and there are obviously different responses in different areas, my husband and I did both the family planning and the marriage guidance seminar even though we were both over 21 - we got the marriage guidance signed off in 5 minutes as we were living together and therefore apparently know all the ins and outs of married life (!!) and had to spend 3 hours listening to tagalog discussion for the family planning (nothing about FP though!).

    Also I didn't need my birth certifcate at all for any of the process - but be prepared for all eventualities, if you 'might' need it, take it and be prepared to do seminars - even though you may be able to skip them in reality..

    good luck, stay focussed and enjoy the day

  13. #13
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    hello dave if i where u better get ur local cni to manila,u dont need to set an appointment just go there morning as they will entertain you i just a matter of hour and u get ur local cni,just bring ur fiancee cni,ur british cni, ur birth and ur passport and about marrying in a hotel it ok as me and my husband been wed at one of the resort in cebu it goes nicesly and beautiful we have great was so solemn and it a great day


  14. #14
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    Thanks to everyone for all your comments, it is very much appreciated, but I do find it a little amusing how people seem to think that with everything I'm already shelling out for, I have the spare cash to fly up to Manila for the day for both of us to sort out the CNI, especially the day after I've just taken 4 flights to get to Cebu!

    I think what I may have to do is contact the embassy in Manila before I fly out there to check things with them. I also think I may contact the Consulate in Cebu again to confirm that if they don't know what the Isle of Man certificate looks like, how can I expect them to accept it.

    Again, thanks for all you comments and apologies if I come across a little sarcastic in my opening line. I just never expected to suddenly have a problem at this late stage, especially given all the reading and planning, etc that I've had to put into this.

  15. #15
    Respected Member Pete67's Avatar
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    You obviously have the love of a very beautiful young woman
    so don't worry and be happy about anything and be very happy about everything, best of luck in your new life

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pete67 View Post
    You obviously have the love of a very beautiful young woman
    so don't worry and be happy about anything and be very happy about everything, best of luck in your new life
    Cheers fella, although it's a little hard to be happy when you know the British Government have the opportunity to screw things up for you!

  17. #17
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    I also think I may contact the Consulate in Cebu again to confirm that if they don't know what the Isle of Man certificate looks like, how can I expect them to accept it.

    I had a row with the Consul in Manila in 2006 because I had changed my name by Common Law about 20 years previously. That ,meant I had no document to prove it. My Passport was in my 'new name' and I had a previous passport, which had been cancelled, in my birth name. The Consul said he had never heard of a Common Law change of name and thus would pt accept the application.

    I called the FCO and insisted that they tell the Consul in Manila to accept my application and get himself acquainted with the law. The person in FCO I dealt with (in 2006) was Natalie MONLOUIS.

    A few days later the Consul accepted the application.

    Maybe in this case Dave you could contact the FCO and get them to clear up any problem before you leave UK. After all the The Isle of Man is part of UK and thus an official document must be acknowledged just as one from any other part of UK would be. If the consulate in Cebu do not know what one looks likes then the FCO should be able to sort it out.

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