I found a company locally for balikbayan boxes...woo hoo! Have already started collecting stuff so thanks everyone for your help and advice
I found a company locally for balikbayan boxes...woo hoo! Have already started collecting stuff so thanks everyone for your help and advice
I will check with our local filipino church group in Woodgate Valley/Weoley Castle who they use and let you know
Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy
if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!
Well, I have my box!!!
A 24" x 24" x 24" cardboard box brought yo me by the lovely Narissa and her husband and son! All I have to do now is fill it up before October 17th!!I had it expalined to me how to pack it etc and I have so far used two rolls of packing tape to reinforce the box itself before loading it
I wonder has anyone got any good idea to safe guard the integrity of these boxes as they travel 9,000 miles! I have more tape which I shall be using but I'm concerned about the integrity of the base of the box with all the weight going in there....any advice appreciated.
I'm quite excited now about sending it (I'm trying not to think of the shipping costs) and so far, I have a printer, a coffee machine, an electric mixer, bakeware, some toys for the children,food containers (good quality) bath and shower gels, toothpaste, tooth brushes, tampons, shampoo, curtains, sheets, towels, a pillow and a few tins of meat and fish!!! Oh and some coffee! I need to hang fire until I start to pack it all now coz to be honest, the box isn't as big as I expected it to be and I'm worried I won't fit all this in.
Anwya, any suggestions for securing the base of the box so it holds the weight would be very much appreciated please.
once it is filled you literaly cover the whole thing in that sticky brown tape maybe 2 rolls of it, print out on your pc in large letters who is recieving it and there address i normaling put it on about 5 sides i then cover the address with clear cellotape then finish of with the brown tape you literaly cant see any of the box they do get bashed about but they do make it![]()
Well I have done that already before filling it to give it added strength then plan to do the same when it is closed.....is that really enough to stop them bursting open?
Stuff screwed up newspaper into any gaps.
Keith - Administrator
i used mendieta cargo forwarders address #60 shields road, byker, newcastle upon tyne NE6 1DR here's their tel no.01912651302/01912405702 and mobile no. 07930652068/07917181729 jumbo box with regular box for luzon just only £80 and free pick up, visayas and mindanao jumbo box £100 with free regular box.
all things are possible!
Fantastic Thanks for that info.xx
to strength the box i have used gaffa or duck tape its silver and very very strong !!! and if you wrap it all the way round the box and cover it as already suggested it will make it ...
as an aside i sent a box by parcelforce !!! doh !!! before i knew about these types of companies i am still learning all things philippino hehehe cost me 75 quid for very small box sent it on the 10th november and still waiting !!!
hoo hum
There is a Philippino shop in Worthing www.pinoymart.co.uk what does them,
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