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Thread: It wasn't going to work......

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aromulus It wasn't going to work...... 22nd November 2009, 13:34
joebloggs are you on the pay roll of... 22nd November 2009, 14:12
Tawi2 I could take you to colleges... 22nd November 2009, 14:18
somebody Very true it was said to me... 22nd November 2009, 17:06
Tawi2 Yup,I saw one in Hounslow... 22nd November 2009, 17:12
aromulus Neither......:cwm23: 22nd November 2009, 14:34
Dedworth What a joke I wonder what... 22nd November 2009, 15:36
IainBusby I think he's really a secret... 23rd November 2009, 14:12
Arthur Little Tory, Labour ... or whatever... 23rd November 2009, 14:27
Florge oooooo.... sounds like... 23rd November 2009, 15:00
IainBusby That's what Dom says, Tory =... 23rd November 2009, 15:04
walesrob Quote from a song by... 23rd November 2009, 15:16
IainBusby It also seems to fit the... 23rd November 2009, 15:36
aromulus An Obituary Worthy of Reading... 23rd November 2009, 15:39
IainBusby I can see where your coming... 23rd November 2009, 15:56
Tawi2 Common sense aint that common... 23rd November 2009, 15:58
aromulus The thing is that I don't. ... 23rd November 2009, 16:01
IainBusby Given their track record the... 23rd November 2009, 16:30
aromulus What do you think this bunch... 23rd November 2009, 18:53
Arthur Little Let's start... 23rd November 2009, 19:09
Arthur Little t' WAS certainly the case ...... 23rd November 2009, 19:18
Arthur Little Easily answered: :rolleyes:... 23rd November 2009, 19:36
aromulus How about the hundreds of... 23rd November 2009, 19:40
Arthur Little :omg: yes! ... :gp: 23rd November 2009, 19:52
aromulus Ian, Being a "Foreigner"... 23rd November 2009, 20:55
bornatbirth thats why she got the boot... 23rd November 2009, 21:01
aromulus She got stabbed in the back... 23rd November 2009, 21:08
aposhark Fight.......Fight :NEW3:... 24th November 2009, 13:26
Tawi2 Never get involved in... 24th November 2009, 13:34
el capitan Thats the problem though... 24th November 2009, 14:47
Tawi2 I came from an absolute... 24th November 2009, 14:51
IainBusby I must say that although I... 25th November 2009, 12:13
aromulus The orders come from... 25th November 2009, 12:16
Tawi2 Not one multilingual sign,gay... 25th November 2009, 12:23
IainBusby And in your mind directly... 25th November 2009, 12:38
Dedworth Labour has always trumpeted... 25th November 2009, 14:08
IainBusby If there really were orders,... 25th November 2009, 12:40
walesrob Q. How many Tories does it... 25th November 2009, 12:56
IainBusby Wrong, it's three. For health... 25th November 2009, 13:29
Dedworth Hear, hear... 23rd November 2009, 21:16
bornatbirth like chelsea... 23rd November 2009, 21:19
aromulus Bow, you heathen...:D 23rd November 2009, 21:23
bornatbirth im bowing :ARsurrender: i... 23rd November 2009, 21:24
somebody I thought one of Tony Bliars... 23rd November 2009, 20:52
IainBusby The MD of the International... 23rd November 2009, 21:04
walesrob What, by getting the country... 23rd November 2009, 22:01
aromulus How come Europe and the US... 23rd November 2009, 22:10
walesrob Clearly, the experts cannot... 24th November 2009, 10:41
Northerner As this is the nice work of... 22nd November 2009, 17:28
walesrob Nice post Dom, and so true. 23rd November 2009, 16:01
KeithD Gordon Brown had a ceremony... 23rd November 2009, 22:39
Florge no copper around in the north... 24th November 2009, 15:28
Tawi2 Florge,I have lived in Labour... 24th November 2009, 15:32
joebloggs bring back thatcher the milk... 24th November 2009, 20:16
bornatbirth how on earth can you tell the... 24th November 2009, 21:49
fred So the UK is still in an... 25th November 2009, 02:57
fred Hey listen.. If it wasnt for... 25th November 2009, 03:08
joebloggs yes but the phils GDP is... 25th November 2009, 22:55
fred Joe you missed the point as... 28th November 2009, 05:50
Arthur Little ... same here! :gp: Wayne. ... 28th November 2009, 14:51
keithAngel I dont blame anyone who got... 28th November 2009, 15:11
somebody Again a bubble is starting to... 28th November 2009, 16:58
IainBusby Quite right, if 100% of the... 29th November 2009, 11:55
bornatbirth i dont disagree but would... 28th November 2009, 20:48
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  1. #1
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    [SIZE=4][SIZE=4] ... a Treasury awash with cash..... Where has it all gone........????
    Easily answered: ... on the upkeep of members' second residences within close proximity to Westminster, disbursement of sundry [often falsified] expense claims ... to name but two "channels" of outflow.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Easily answered: ... on the upkeep of members' second residences within close proximity to Westminster, disbursement of sundry [often falsified] expense claims ... to name but two "channels" of outflow.
    How about the hundreds of thousand "Non Jobs" for the boys, at a minimum of £35k per annum...???

  3. #3
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    How about the hundreds of thousand "Non Jobs" for the boys, at a minimum of £35k per annum...???
    yes! ...

  4. #4
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    Being a "Foreigner" in this country, I am no tory and no labour, I just see things from a different perspective .
    I have my own mind and don't follow party doctrines.
    I haven't been brainwashed with rhetoric.

    So please, refrain from insulting my intelligence

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