Can anyone understand what is happening to me? I am going out to the Philippines on 8th December to visit my friend Emil and his family. We've known each other 2 years and met when he was over here.
I made a contact in Manila called Spencer, through Mensa, a well respected organisation. We exchanged many emails about possible places to see and go and he offered his services to me and Emil as a tour guide for free, just pay for the tours and the food etc. I should mention that I've done this in other countries (Hong Kong, Singapore) through the Mensa organisation.
Then one day I received an email warning me that Spencer had a record of internet scams, booking up hotels and taking the money. I sent a copy to Spencer who then suggested that Emil's family were behind it. Emil had just travelled to Manila for a funeral and Spencer thought he had been talking about my trip and the relatives were planning to isolate me from any contacts I'd made. Emil had emailed me from his niece's laptop and there was the thought that perhaps she read my emails and got my details and was cooking something up.
I didn't hear from Emil for several days because he was still in the funeral parlour and meanwhile I had many discussions by email with Spencer over who could have sent it.
I was certain Emil had nothing to do with it, he kept insisting he was a suspect which I found strange, because there's no proof of anything, it's just speculation. I was beginning to think Spencer wanted to create a split between me and Emil, to get me to trust only him, with a view to parting me from my money in some way. I told Spencer it was offensive to me to say bad things about Emil and he wrote back saying I shouldn't email him any more, because he would never trust Emil as long as the culprit wasn't known and this meant he was in danger.
This seems weird to me, because all along he was saying that it was me who was in danger from bad people over there.
Can anyone throw any light on this?