hello guys and gals,
we need your help and advice, Annabel went for fiance interview today and from what i can ascertain from annabel it didnt go well she is in tears and distrught apperently they asked her usual questioned about me and then started asking questions about my past filipina relationships and that i had previously acted as sponsor for visit visa, they asked her things as why did these relationships breakdown how do you know he loves you because he have other girls before, and apparently said its not your fault its his not sure i believe his sponsor letter ? now i know they want to know the relationship is genuine and there is better ways and questions to ask then those, also to be honest we dont discuss our histories much whats the point we all have one, i told annabel at the begining that i had filipina gf before and that was about the lenght of discussion we love each other the only thing we intersted in is the future,.... i cant find in the rules about being satisfied of the relationship just you should have met and in a ongoing relationship i feel they have been extremely hash with her and to what end and to what point....i may be jumping the gun but we both feel that tey are going to refused based on her not having indepth knowledge of my past relationships for f"£$ sake,sorry its a long rant, any advice what do we do do i email them i rang them asking for the ECM to call me and discuss ! some hope !!

help guys
we are in bits i just want my girl here with me!!


jonathan and annabel