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Thread: embassy interview help !!

  1. #1
    Member jonathan47's Avatar
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    embassy interview help !!

    hello guys and gals,
    we need your help and advice, Annabel went for fiance interview today and from what i can ascertain from annabel it didnt go well she is in tears and distrught apperently they asked her usual questioned about me and then started asking questions about my past filipina relationships and that i had previously acted as sponsor for visit visa, they asked her things as why did these relationships breakdown how do you know he loves you because he have other girls before, and apparently said its not your fault its his not sure i believe his sponsor letter ? now i know they want to know the relationship is genuine and there is better ways and questions to ask then those, also to be honest we dont discuss our histories much whats the point we all have one, i told annabel at the begining that i had filipina gf before and that was about the lenght of discussion we love each other the only thing we intersted in is the future,.... i cant find in the rules about being satisfied of the relationship just you should have met and in a ongoing relationship i feel they have been extremely hash with her and to what end and to what point....i may be jumping the gun but we both feel that tey are going to refused based on her not having indepth knowledge of my past relationships for f"£$ sake,sorry its a long rant, any advice what do we do do i email them i rang them asking for the ECM to call me and discuss ! some hope !!

    help guys
    we are in bits i just want my girl here with me!!


    jonathan and annabel

  2. #2
    Restricted Access September's Avatar
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    She must be right that they will refused her,hopefully she is wrong on her think, gosh its tough, but I had the feeling the reason they go on question and question because they saw her shes bit on nervous, i guess all you have to do is wait for the result, you cant do anything at the moment, my opinion

  3. #3
    Respected Member Bluebirdjones's Avatar
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    Perhaps I’m being the devil’s advocate here…. but why shouldn’t the ECO question your previous “history” ?
    As you’ve mentioned, you had Filipina girlfriend(s) before, and applied for visitor visa(s)… which I assume
    were unsuccessful. So, having been unsuccessful on that score, you now turn to the fiancee visa route.
    You can see how this looks to the ECO can’t you ????

    You should have foreseen this problem, and written a covering letter explaining the earlier relationships…
    ie just divorced so not such of what I wanted….. young & naïve…… was flattered that a woman took an
    interest in me & rushed into something…… etc etc.
    The letter could have answered some of his (the ECO) doubts.

    …. Also, with this past “history” ….. perhaps more visits would have been appropriate before filing, so
    showing this is the TRUE, and LASTING relationship.
    No man is an island, but Barry is

  4. #4
    Restricted Access September's Avatar
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    thought that was already fiancee visa app ??? am i wrong ?

  5. #5
    Member jonathan47's Avatar
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    bluebirdjones, i can see you point, i did say something in my letter along the lines of that you woill see i have acted as a sponsor before but this relationship is completly different and that is why we applied for fiancee coz we knew we wanted to be together wheres as before wanted to wait and spend time addition it was not so much the question but the aggresieve nature of the basically calling me a lier,and asking her to explain how she knows i love her because of my history !!! maybe i am odd but i dont see that as reasonable ! also i dont know about you but when i with my mahal i dont particularly want to talk about previous relationships what to whom when and why i like to concentrate on my mahal have fun and enjoy each others companies.... maybe i have been naive, but you have to to turn over a few stones to find the right one or kiss a few frogs which ever metaphor you prefer....i do not see in the rules where it says you cant apply for x number of months yrs or you cant apply if you applied before in the last 6 months. you just need to show its a genuine continuing relationship that you have met and can support !!!!!
    the worest thing is if you know what i did for a living you would be surprised they were bring my credibility into doubt



  6. #6
    Respected Member abby's Avatar
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    oh, im so sorry for what happened!!

    dont worry... dunno what advise to give in terms on the process to take.. wait for the result and lets see..

  7. #7
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    Sorry to hear that Jonathon. I think you did the right thing, adding a letter explaining what happened the first time. I'm like you, don't see the point in having long conversations about ex gfs. Hopefully they'll see sense and approve the visa. Fingers crossed.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonathan47 View Post
    the worest thing is if you know what i did for a living you would be surprised they were bring my credibility into doubt
    Does any career actually grant special credibility? Unfortunately such old fashioned notions allow people in certain jobs to abuse there positions without critical analysis.

  9. #9
    Member jonathan47's Avatar
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    triple 555,
    thank you,much appreciated.....i am begining to think i need to start preparing for asking the ECM to re-consider the decision i believe they can do this in the first 28 days after looking for help on that also bee trying to get on petes web site british filipino as i thought i saw that the forum and pete are aware of a good immigration lawyer and would like to take some advice ....anybody know the number ?

    thanks guys
    this forum is so good and helpful



  10. #10
    Member jonathan47's Avatar
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    el captain,
    if you knew my job you might think diferently ?...i wasnt expecting how can i put this favors but i did expect some respect...i cant say on here what i do as i will get into trouble ...can you read between the lines ! hehehe

  11. #11
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonathan47 View Post
    i do not see in the rules where it says you cant apply for x number of months yrs or you cant apply if you applied before in the last 6 months.
    Just as a matter of interest and more importantly because it may have some bearing on the ECO's train of thought, how long ago was it that you applied for a visit visa for a different girlfriend?


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    Well I am guessing your either a member of parliament or a policeman, both frequently believe that they should be treated with some kind of special respect according to the jobs rather than their actions.

    That’s a bit of a side issue, because you’re displaying a particular attitude that I find extremely distasteful.

    The treatment your fiancée received is how the mechanisms of British bureaucracy treat people. It seems that the implementers in all aspects of the civil service now put themselves above the people they are meant to serve.

  13. #13
    Member jonathan47's Avatar
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    visit visa application which was refused lodged early may, about 5th i think and we lodge on 8th october


  14. #14
    Member jonathan47's Avatar
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    el captain
    thats nothing more than i expect ...fine... i have you opioion... we will just leave it there i not in the frame of mind to debate and as you dont know me dont be so quick to judge... i come to this forum for support guidance and to help others if i can not to get abused so kindly f.... off



  15. #15
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    He coud be a mortician.....

  16. #16
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    There's still good option. Marry her to prove that your intention is genuine and apply spouse visa later. Let your GF know more about you.
    During my interview, I was asked names of my husband kids, which I didn't expect.
    That's why I kept on asking about my husband past and present life.

  17. #17
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    thank you penny, annabel is for keeps there is no way that we will not be together if they refuse and dont reconsider then i will go marry my baby girl and apply spouse, its just we wanted a little time to prepare plan etc, when you know its right its right its so completley different relationship to before i just wish they could see that and give us a chance to get on with being together and spending our lives living our dreams.



  18. #18
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    If you want to complain, write, e-mail or fax to the Entry Clearance Manager Mark Date. Contact details for the visa section are all on the Embassy website.
    From reading this you will understand the discrepancies exist within the different ECO's, also the UK has very strict regulation on how the applications should be assessed.

  19. #19
    Member jonathan47's Avatar
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    thanks for the link, very useful and yes there are different standards as i guess there is room for interpretation in the rules, i was reading about some judicial actions that had been taken about what "should of met" condition of fiance application, apparently some people had knew each other as children lived in different countries then i guess were unite in love through remote contact ...apparently it didnt satisfy the court they had met in the true sense !!! heheh i share this just to illustrate how diferently people can interpret so call rules.



  20. #20
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonathan47 View Post
    .i do not see in the rules where it says you cant apply for x number of months yrs or you cant apply if you applied before in the last 6 months. you just need to show its a genuine continuing relationship that you have met and can support !!!!!
    the worest thing is if you know what i did for a living you would be surprised they were bring my credibility into doubt
    did you mention in the VV app you was in a relationship with the lady ? how long have you known your fiancée and how many times have you met her ?

    the way some case workers could look at it, is you've applied for a VV for one filipina and 6 months later your applying for a fiancée visa for a different filipina you could have credibility problems.

    nothing wrong with that as you've said, looks to me like the case worker was testing to see if it's a sham relationship, you only need to look at the number of women from former eastern block countries who have wed non Europeans in the uk to see why sham marriages are on the rise.

    but if you was not engaged to the first lady, i dont see why you would have a problem if you had enough evidence that your relationship is genuine.

    anyway you've not been refused yet, so i wish you luck

  21. #21
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonathan47 View Post
    visit visa application which was refused lodged early may, about 5th i think and we lodge on 8th october

    I think that's where the problem lies. As far as the ECO is concerned it's only 6 months ago you were applying for a visit visa for one girl and now after such a short time your applying for a fiancee visa for a different girl. He may be thinking that it's not a serious relationship and what your really after is to get her to the UK for 6 months any which way that works.

    He may think that, because you got refused before with the visit visa for the other girl, you just thought you'd fork out a bit more dosh this time and try the fiancee visa instead with your new girlfriend.

  22. #22
    Respected Member South-east boy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    I think that's where the problem lies. As far as the ECO is concerned it's only 6 months ago you were applying for a visit visa for one girl and now after such a short time your applying for a fiancee visa for a different girl. He may be thinking that it's not a serious relationship and what your really after is to get her to the UK for 6 months any which way that works.

    He may think that, because you got refused before with the visit visa for the other girl, you just thought you'd fork out a bit more dosh this time and try the fiancee visa instead with your new girlfriend.

    I agree that this is what is probably concerning them. Do you have any ways to prove to them that your relationship is stronger and better with Annabel than with the previous girlfriend/s? If they sadly refuse, then you will need to think of ways that will show them how close & genuine relationship you have and maybe make another visit to see her (that should satisfy them more that it is more genuine) before applying again sometime later, but how long to leave it before applying again, I don't know.

  23. #23
    Respected Member Bluebirdjones's Avatar
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    you can get HIS and HER's matching tattoos .... seemed to work for Pumpkins !

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  24. #24
    Member jonathan47's Avatar
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    you have both made the same point and i can see what you mean if i put myself in the head of the ECO i can see why he may think that way, i sent an email last night, asking for contact so that i can explain ... i dont think there is any chance they will...but i wanted to try...this is genuine, my previous application for VV was not like this we were not engaged and wanted to explore our feelings and although the application was made in may the relationship started to breakdown almost immediatly on my return and to be honest it was unlikely that if issued she was going to travel anyway and i would of tried to cancel her visa or at least withdraw my sponsorship!! but they didnt issue so i didnt persue the visa .the reason that i didnt talk to much about my past with annabel was that i was embarassed and a bit ashamed at my actions, i had found out things that made me stop the relationships but felt if i had been a bigger man etc...but then i found annabel a diamond and realised how a relationship should be it seems we are going to suffer for my stupidity and naivety.... so as i see it 2 things against us....annabel wasnt aware of my last application for VV for a different girl....and this was within 6 months for a differnet girl ......oh dear..anybody know where i can get immigration advice for writing a reconsideration letter to the ECM and or to help with my appeal......think i will start looking at what paperwork i need to go and marry annabel in the philippines !



  25. #25
    Member jonathan47's Avatar
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    talaga !!!
    wow well its a thought ! hehehhe

    j and a

  26. #26
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonathan47 View Post
    think i will start looking at what paperwork i need to go and marry annabel in the philippines
    I think that in general a spouse visa has more chance of success than a fiancee visa. As long as you have met each other in person, have the income and finances to support a wife and suitable accomodation for you both to live in, there's not usually much else to stand in your way. To the ECO's it's a bit of a fait accompli because you've actually married, you've shown all the commitment that is needed.

    Besides the fact that it is much cheaper to get married in the Philippines and you fiancee's family will be able to attend the wedding, it is also cheaper all round with regard to visas and your new wife will also be allowed to work in the UK from the day she arrives here.

  27. #27
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    i agree with everything you said...mmm thats scary (joke) thank you for your help and advice, i have just spoken with the immigration adviser mention by the forum and he was very helpful explained the circumstances and he said that no decision is a good sign as they have not made a decision one way or other and if strong evidence to refuse would of done it on the day, also the fact she didnt know about past relationships or application is irrelevant ! you have a right to have gf's annd to make considered judgements and it may be that i didnt want to tell her and why should i ! and the fact they interviewed her means everything else with the application is ok ? if refuse based on knowledge of my past he says would be very dodgy and would have good grounds for re-consideration and appeal....bad news could take a few weeks before they finally make a decision.



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