bluebirdjones, i can see you point, i did say something in my letter along the lines of that you woill see i have acted as a sponsor before but this relationship is completly different and that is why we applied for fiancee coz we knew we wanted to be together wheres as before wanted to wait and spend time addition it was not so much the question but the aggresieve nature of the basically calling me a lier,and asking her to explain how she knows i love her because of my history !!! maybe i am odd but i dont see that as reasonable ! also i dont know about you but when i with my mahal i dont particularly want to talk about previous relationships what to whom when and why i like to concentrate on my mahal have fun and enjoy each others companies.... maybe i have been naive, but you have to to turn over a few stones to find the right one or kiss a few frogs which ever metaphor you prefer....i do not see in the rules where it says you cant apply for x number of months yrs or you cant apply if you applied before in the last 6 months. you just need to show its a genuine continuing relationship that you have met and can support !!!!!
the worest thing is if you know what i did for a living you would be surprised they were bring my credibility into doubt