Quote Originally Posted by ana07cutiepie View Post
Hello everyone thanks for all the help here yah i think i realize that visit visa is a no no :-( so me and my friend we're just planning to go to Thailand instead of London coz it doesnt need visa anymore, right?

Please if you have more information regarding about thailand and what I need to do and have etc., please tell me We're planning to go there this summer.

This guy is a special friend of mine we're in the stage of getting to know more deeply but honestly I think I'm in love with him already.

Love you all guys!!

Thanks in advance...

God Bless you all..


Ok you don't need to apply visit visa in Thailand. Changmai and Phuket are best places to visit. The King Palace in Bangkok and Crocodile farm.

You said I think I'm inlove... You're not yet sure about your feeling, so be very careful as you are so young and travelling alone with him is not a good way to know him well. IMHO

Please take care of yourself.