Hello Ana,..I'm myrA. This site helped a lot in my visit visa application. Though at first, most of them said that I have less chances of being approved because I will be bringing my kids too. But that pushed me more to do more search in this site. I don't know personally if there are restrictions of the age but I think you are still very young. You have to prove that you will return to the Philippines after the visit dates. You should have a strong proof of that. Being a student will not count. But there's no harm in trying., just gather documents that you think could support your application. And you can also do more research in this site. Tawi, Ma'am Florge, MrsMajor, Penny, Sophie, Arthur Little and a lot more has shared some points on my queries about the visa application. You can also asked them. Goodluck Ana. message me if you still have questions.