just to add a little bit from what i know i think an eco would struggle with the concept that your uk friend is going to sponsor you, ie pay for everything and not believe or think you are in a relationship with you or at least has these intentions....i would also suggest that unless you can show you are return to college having paid the fees and a letter explain the basis or this relationship (exploeing your feelings towards each other) etc under para 41 intention to stay for period as stated by you, intention to return to philippines i think any ECO would struggle to issue
as ricky says if you can demonstrate you meet the rules then its hard for the ECO TO refuse.
on a personel note i would suggest you keep talking and if he has intentions towards you he should be busting a gut to come see you and spend time with you, and develop your relationship that way..... limit on spouse and fiance visa is age 21 so you have plenty of time to get to know one another ..
good luck