I have never really understood the idea that one section of the community should pay more for services than others, just because they are rich.
For example the idea that if one lives in a big house they should pay more in rates than a person who, for whatever reason, lives in a small house. In reality the person in the big house probably provides employment for housekeeper, cleaners, gardeners, driver etc. They probably pay for private medical care, their children attend private education, they maybe have a swimming pool and will buy books rather than borrow them from the public library. They will probably be less likely to use public transport and public services in general, so why should they be the ones paying most?
If they work, or have a private income, they will probably pay a disproportional amount in taxes compared with the low paid or with those who have chosen to do the least necessary to survive.
I see no reason why there should not be an upper limit on the amount of income tax a person pays. If there were, it might mean pay rises would be lower, than at present when they have to be high to compensate for the amount they will loose in tax.
For the record, I have never been in the rich category but good luck to those who are and to those rich people who are the ones who provide employment (and social security benefits) for the rest.