Reasons for my “concern/doubt” ????
1. … from your first post .. “… a nursing aide ….due to travel here on a work visa”. It’s almost impossible to get a work visa these days, and for a nursing aide ???? not even a fully qualified nurse ? , even more difficult.
So, where was she supposed to work ? ….. which hospital, residential care home ? Have u asked, and checked via the net if the name/address of the hospital matches, if human resources there are aware of her ?
2. “medical certificate” stolen…… ”this was renewable in Manila but naturally they wanted to charge an extortionate amount of money” …. doesn’t ring true. Also …”She didn't have that and neither did I”…. so she asked for money, yes ? How much ? I’m sure others on here have had to replace a certificate, so have an idea what the charge is.
3. so….. she had a work visa, but has abandoned it because of the “stolen” certificate ? I don’t think so ! Most Filipinas would move heaven & earth to get to the UK on that work visa. I don’t believe she ever had one.
4. Who suggested Manila as a potential “meeting” ground… you or her ? GenSan is safe, and Davao even safer. Perhaps she’s not keen on bumping into people she knows while she’s with you .
5. “I have sent her some packages and these have gone to a family friend in General Santos City” ….. why ? …… the postal service works reasonably well through-out the Philippines. Or perhaps she’s not keen on you knowing her actual address, so able to trace her at a later date ?
6. “..communicate with her except by phone at one of her patient's place”. Highly, highly dubious. Do u know of any British nurses who take phone calls from their boyfriends on a landline whilst working at a patient’s home ????
7. Re; the shooting…. “My only source of information is a kind young lady in her apartment named Melissa who speaks no English” … rather convenient eh ? Expect the txt or phone call soon asking for help with the medical bills… or has it already arrived ? Payable to Western Union in her friend’s name ?
Tell you what .... I'll happily send them a wedding gift when they get married (if I'm proven wrong)