Thanks to everyone for all your comments, it is very much appreciated, but I do find it a little amusing how people seem to think that with everything I'm already shelling out for, I have the spare cash to fly up to Manila for the day for both of us to sort out the CNI, especially the day after I've just taken 4 flights to get to Cebu!

I think what I may have to do is contact the embassy in Manila before I fly out there to check things with them. I also think I may contact the Consulate in Cebu again to confirm that if they don't know what the Isle of Man certificate looks like, how can I expect them to accept it.

Again, thanks for all you comments and apologies if I come across a little sarcastic in my opening line. I just never expected to suddenly have a problem at this late stage, especially given all the reading and planning, etc that I've had to put into this.