Although it might not help you as already they have phoned up. It maybe worth recording these phone calls many phones have a bulit in phone call recorder.

With out having met your Mahal or being in the room its hard to say if the ECO really was aggressive.

My Wife would find some interviews/interactions with officals in the UK rude while i could not see anything wrong with them and vice versa when we were in Phill where roles where reversed.

It maybe the ECO forgot to ask a few questions surely they would need good reason to ask questions outside of a interview room.

It would be well worth noting down every detail your mahal can rember in case there is bad news in case of an appeal.

Remeber as a British goverment agency they act under British Law and Cvill service rules and regs so if they were found to have broken any or even if sailed close to the winds its worth recording.

A ECO as would a cvill servant in the UK should treat all people with respect and politness so if a person asked them to speak slower and more clearly surely they should?
Remeber poltical correctness has its pluses ;-)