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further to my earlier post regarding my fiance interview at the embassy on tuesday, they called her on her cell whilist travelling back to the province and asked her further questions about our relationship, this is after asking all known questions know to man at the interview, annabel ended up having a interpreter because she couldn't understand the ECO as he talked to fast and seemed to be agriesieve when interviewed at the embassy but when he called on cell he conducted in english.... i am beging to believe that they are just trying to trick annabel or to find away to refuse rather than looking at our application on balance and on merit.... i think we have one of those ECO that find ways to refuse i read the article on here and seems what satisfies one ECO doesent satisfy another ...ffs.. i can see a refusal coming....in addition i got a response to an email where i ask if i could offer an further information and perhaps they would like to speak to me ... the reply " the application is still being considered by ECO and ECM and the applicant will be notified when a decision has been made "... they interviewed her on tuesday for f... sake !!!!!
any thoughts appreciated...!!!