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Thread: my exam

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  1. #1
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    Quote Originally Posted by liane View Post
    Congratulation Ms. Penny for passing the exam!
    Thank you very much Liane.
    It's only Power Point diagnostic. I need to take overall exam in the future.

    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Penny like Tawi2 said dont worry you will come across these challanges as you know during life and you still passed although not the aimed for target.

    Your Husband po Im sure understands more of the background better than we do so I would go with his advice.

    Whatever you do dont give up keep going as once you have passed the course as you will do then its onwards and upwards

    If you feel angry try to vent it outside of the class in some way. Anger and going over and over thinks can distract the mind passing the course is far more important as you have worked so hard.

    Good luck and look forward to hearing how you have passed all units
    You're right Somebody, I feel better when I sent email to my teacher. I told her I want to repeat the exam sitting beside that woman who came through the door during my 4th category.

    If you still remember, only one question appears at screen one at a time and it's written in 12 font on the top of the screen. The presentation is below where you can play with it how to get the correct answer. They are very fast whilst I'm slow, so it is impossible to cheat. They were taking different set of exam too.

    I don't know how can I passed all units . I will do my best.
    I just love my webdesign course. I can do it better.

  2. #2
    Respected Member Pete67's Avatar
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    This "lady" certainly does appear to be an invigilator, these staff tend to work a few hours only on a casual basis, while the vast majority are good, sometimes you can get embittered people who see young attractive and succcesful people on their way up and get jealous of their determination and success. Perhaps it is worth talking a Student Union at the college? or welfare officer if they have one? There is no way you should be denied the opportunity to do your best performance. Good luck in your next exams

  3. #3
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    Thank you very much Liane.
    It's only Power Point diagnostic. I need to take overall exam in the future.

    You're right Somebody, I feel better when I sent email to my teacher. I told her I want to repeat the exam sitting beside that woman who came through the door during my 4th category.

    If you still remember, only one question appears at screen one at a time and it's written in 12 font on the top of the screen. The presentation is below where you can play with it how to get the correct answer. They are very fast whilst I'm slow, so it is impossible to cheat. They were taking different set of exam too.

    I don't know how can I passed all units . I will do my best.
    I just love my webdesign course. I can do it better.
    Often I find those that worry they wont pas the Exam/s do better than those that feel confident. Why because they keep doing more to ensure they do pass and often get very good results

    Your not slow remember the tortoise and the Hare and look who one that race. Pace your self and don't worry about others focus on what you need to do for you.

    You will pass as you are studying hard and are putting in the study

    Try to put the issue to the back of your mind, its hard sometimes but revision and practise is far more important
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

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