Well folks, Myrna finally received a letter of confirmation from the Consulat General De France A Edimbourg this forenoon ... to the effect that her 7-day visa had been agreed following her application a fortnight ago. Cht, it really IS "easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle" [to quote the time-honoured Biblical phrase] "than for a Filipina to enter the Republic of France" ... the one saving grace being that the visa is issued FREE OF CHARGE to the spouse of a British citizen (in this case moi)!
So, tomorrow morning, at the crack of dawn (still the middle of the night for me!) we're off to Edinburgh ... courtesy of Scottish Citylink ... to report to the French Embassy in Randolph Crescent - with Myrna's passport - by 9.30am (MY 3rd visitation in as many weeks, at this ungodly hour!).
Thereafter, it's "simply" a matter of wandering around the Capital's streets to amuse ourselves until 4pm - when we can collect our "prize" for waiting. Sure, the City boasts loads of tourist attractions ... but they're all so bloody expensive - and I'm no *Andrew Carnegie!(*Dunfermline-born millionaire & philanthropist).
Let's hope the sodding awful WEATHER improves overnight!