I sent this to an enquiry section of Border Control. I did not get a reply. Having read the preamble again, it maybe that I must make enquiries of the appropriate section of the UK Embassy here in Spain. However, I can only find a premium rate number and having called it before (and listened to the most expensive music in the world) I a hoping someone here can help.

My Question is :-

I have been married to a Filipino since 2006. I am 69 she is 37. We live permanently in Spain where my wife has permanent Residencia status.

We would like my wife to have a multi entry Visa but she has not previously had a visa nor made any application for a visa. In such circumstances, can she make an application for a multi entry visa?

The reason for wanting a UK multi entry visa is that we would like to visit my family, and to break flights in UK for a few days when travelling to the far east. We would also like to go shopping occasionally in Gibraltar. A multi entry Visa would be the most convenient MO.

I cannot find any specific info regarding what we needed for my wife to obtain a multi-entry visa, on line (The nearest Q and A's seem to apply to partners wishing to live in UK.)

I am a former UK Police officer thus we have my police pension and OAP which is enhanced, as I am married and, therefore, my wife has a National Insurance No. in UK and the UK pay for her medical cover in Spain.

We have no desire to ever live in UK, nor either of us to work there, nor even spend more than a week or two when family or travel plans dictate.
