Inconsistencies in her background may be a big warning sign. Also the small sum involved sounds odd for starting a business - are you sure there aren't some noughts missing? :-)

Having said that, people distort their stories for good reason sometimes. And she may need the money for some more serious purpose such as to pay off a debt that is putting her in danger.

Others will say that if she is lying you should run a mile. But it is a sad fact for Philippine women, and indeed women generally, that experience tells them that men are looking for "the perfect woman" and we live in a very imperfect world. Many, many, men dump their girlfriends even after many years if they feel their girlfriends life doesn't meet their expectations.

Having said all of that, refusing now, and providing a good and polite reason, will flush out an interesting reaction that will help you to find out a lot more about her. Better still, of course, to meet her face to face asap.