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Thread: US Matchmaking Law

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Out of the blue some gut sent me this, don't know if anyone knows anything about it, are the rest of the World supposed to read all the new laws the US goverment bring out, even if you live in Ug Ug Land just in case it may effect you?? :unsure:


    I have recently heard about a Immigration Reform Law. I refer to the law as

    "To further comply with the statute (Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996), INS is drafting a proposed rule to require international matchmaking organizations to provide information to their recruits (foriegn women) on their rights and obligations under U.S.
    immigration law."

    Yet, I do not see any such reference on your website or any other international dating website.

    Why is this? When will your site be updated???

    I hope you reply soon.
    Thank you,

    Keith & Ping

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  2. #2
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    Originally posted by admin@Jun 8 2005, 07:47 AM
    Out of the blue some gut sent me this, don't know if anyone knows anything about it, are the rest of the World supposed to read all the new laws the US goverment bring out, even if you live in Ug Ug Land just in case it may effect you?? :unsure:


    I have recently heard about a Immigration Reform Law. I refer to the law as

    "To further comply with the statute (Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996), INS is drafting a proposed rule to require international matchmaking organizations to provide information to their recruits (foriegn women) on their rights and obligations under U.S.
    immigration law."

    Yet, I do not see any such reference on your website or any other international dating website.

    Why is this? When will your site be updated???

    I hope you reply soon.
    Thank you,

    Hmm sounds a bit fishy....

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I bought a box of matchmakers today, 2 for 1 in Morrisons

    Keith & Ping

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  4. #4
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    Originally posted by admin@Jun 8 2005, 06:34 PM
    I bought a box of matchmakers today, 2 for 1 in Morrisons
    They've just converted our local Safeway to Morrisons....ho hum ho hum :lol: :lol:

  5. #5

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    Originally posted by admin@Jun 8 2005, 07:47 AM
    Out of the blue some gut sent me this, don't know if anyone knows anything about it, are the rest of the World supposed to read all the new laws the US goverment bring out, even if you live in Ug Ug Land just in case it may effect you?? :unsure:


    I have recently heard about a Immigration Reform Law. I refer to the law as

    "To further comply with the statute (Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996), INS is drafting a proposed rule to require international matchmaking organizations to provide information to their recruits (foriegn women) on their rights and obligations under U.S.
    immigration law."

    Yet, I do not see any such reference on your website or any other international dating website.

    Why is this? When will your site be updated???

    I hope you reply soon.
    Thank you,

    Suggested reply:
    Dear Tod,

    Thank you for your helpful email. My profound apologies for being so remiss. You're quite right to admonish me. I will update my site accordingly. Please let me know as soon as possible whether it meets your expectations.

    You may not be aware of this, but sometimes, when women choose to leave their own country, sometimes they choose to go to a country other than the US. I know, shocking isn't it, who knows what they're thinking, but there you go.

    Also, you may not realise, but there are some websites, just a handful mind you, but some, which aren't actually based in America. Even worse, some of them aren't even targetted at Americans, but at people living in other countries. Take this one for example. It calls itself Filipino UK. I know, I thought it was a typo too, but apparently, it's not a misspelling of Filipino US.

    And also, some countries are even so bold as to have their own immigration law, and so US immigration law is about as relevant as a pile of steaming dogs eggs. Shockingly, these countries don't consider their inferior laws subservient to US immigration law, and when US immigration comes up with a new diktat, they don't bother to amend their own law accordingly. What is the world coming to?

    I will ensure, however, that I don't make the same mistakes with this site, especially with you around to help me out like this.

    Many thanks

  6. #6
    andypaul's Avatar
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    london well away from those people up norf
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    Originally posted by peterdavid@Jun 8 2005, 09:26 PM
    Suggested reply:
    Dear Tod,

    Thank you for your helpful email. My profound apologies for being so remiss. You're quite right to admonish me. I will update my site accordingly. Please let me know as soon as possible whether it meets your expectations.

    You may not be aware of this, but sometimes, when women choose to leave their own country, sometimes they choose to go to a country other than the US. I know, shocking isn't it, who knows what they're thinking, but there you go.

    Also, you may not realise, but there are some websites, just a handful mind you, but some, which aren't actually based in America. Even worse, some of them aren't even targetted at Americans, but at people living in other countries. Take this one for example. It calls itself Filipino UK. I know, I thought it was a typo too, but apparently, it's not a misspelling of Filipino US.

    And also, some countries are even so bold as to have their own immigration law, and so US immigration law is about as relevant as a pile of steaming dogs eggs. Shockingly, these countries don't consider their inferior laws subservient to US immigration law, and when US immigration comes up with a new diktat, they don't bother to amend their own law accordingly. What is the world coming to?

    I will ensure, however, that I don't make the same mistakes with this site, especially with you around to help me out like this.

    Many thanks

    Brillant :lol:

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    N Wales
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    I did actually reply with something similar in my scouse little way Strange that I've had no reply yet. Anyway, I'm off for my first visit to the US in September so they can give me an extended holiday if they wish for arranging marriage for a box of matches

    Keith & Ping

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