Thank you all for your opinions and advices. It was really helpful.
I got an update of the situation..
i know it's not really correct to do and overly careful.. due to my work i was able to do some research of 2 previous contacts of my girlfriend..
Fact is that for about maybe 4 months she had intense contact with a filippino guy.. who called her several times a week, sometimes talking up to an hour together. To be noted: It was BEFORE my time.. the last "interactions" between them where about 2-3 weeks before i've met her.
Second fact is that an other guy was also in contact with her. No long phone calls but a large amount of SMS during a period of probably 6 months.
Now i dont know what the sms where about or what the phone calls were about.. but it's pretty obvious to me that there must've been at least friendship between them. I even think that both were at some point her boyfriend.. (maybe even at the same time??).
As i wrote before i once asked if they were boyfriends.. she denied, she said from the one who wrote sms, that he's a friend. From the filippino she wouldnt say anything.. She sais in both cases it's "nothing".. but it's hard to believe due to the intense contact. I already tried to really convince her to tell me what was with those two but she really totally refuses to.. even get's a bit angry.
I'm not sure how to handle that.. its true, that it was BEFORE my time, on the other hand, they could still be in contact through internet, who knows..
Should i really talk about it with her again and really pressure her that she tells me the whole story about those two? O
Or should i just say, it doesnt matter anymore because it was before my time?
Or should i even take contact with those two guys to know more about it, since i got their phone numbers?
When i videochat or talk with my gf on the phone it still is great, i mean i really love and miss her. Yet though when i think about those two guys i just get a sad/bad-feeling, because she didnt tell me about them, and still doesnt want to tell me.. One theory is that because when i met her she told me she didnt have a boyfriend in switzerland yet, and if she would "confess" now that she had boyfriends that i would think too bad about her and be upset.. but with my knowledge that i have i already know that it might have been her boyfriends.. and that's what bothers me.. just to not know about it, and not understanding why she cant be honest with me and tell me about them... how can i trust her 100% like that? Or am i too overly critical?