I've just been filling the box up that I'm sending by courier to Suzie. I thought I was going to have space left, but in fact I had to make the box bigger as there wasn't enough room!It's also about a 1/3 heavier than I thought it would be! Anyway, I was booking the courier pick-up, when it says where you enter the contents : "The information you enter here will be used to create a customs invoice." Does this mean that when the package is delivered or picked up she will have to pay a charge? Of course I don't really want this, especially if things are tight with money for her. I just wondered if there is a charge everytime and what it might be? Is it a %age or does it depend on what the contents are?
Just need to know urgently as I have to finish the booking tonight if I go ahead with it, but if she could end up getting a bill, I might have to send it in a balikbayan box, but of course it will arrive ages after Christmas.But do you have to pay a charge with balikbayan boxes too?