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Thread: card use abroad

  1. #1
    Respected Member Pete67's Avatar
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    card use abroad

    OK, I have asked the experts and can offer the following -

    If card can be used for purchases but not for cash this would be due to one or both of two things -

    1. - there is a coding in the magstripe that does not allow cash withdrawals abroad.

    2. - the ATM is not linked with the card account holder's bank.

    Also, sorry if I am sounding like the "card police" here, but please kindly remember that the card itself is the property of the bank, and if terms and conditions aren't complied with, ie the card is lent to someone else, and the card is "compromised" in terms of physical loss or being cloned, it would be much more likely that the bank would refuse to refund any charges that are on your account as a result of fraud. Take care.

  2. #2
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    ATM machines the Philippines are quirky, all down to local banks I think. Some of them limit to 10,000 PHP withdrawals.
    My HSBC and RBS cards have worked in over 60 countries in the last few years, I like HSBC a lot for international services.

  3. #3
    Respected Member New Shoes's Avatar
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    Who are these "experts"? Which type of card are you talking about?

    I use Nationwide Debit Card for cash withdrawals from ATMs and I also have a Nationwide Credit Card for purchases.

    A couple of times in Feb/March this year my NW debit card could not withdraw cash. I had to telephone Nationwide to confirm it was me who was using the card and to get then to "unblock" the card.

    This was all after I'd notified them of the dates of my travel plans. They said that even though I'd notified them prior to my trip, they needed to know it was actually me making the cash withdrawal. They classed the Phils as being a "card fraud Hot Spot".

    The card was usable about 10 mins after I'd made the call to Nationwide.

  4. #4
    Respected Member
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    Seems these nationwide cards are the common theme of problems. I believe they have suspended the charges waiver except for mortgage customers?

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