Quote Originally Posted by whiteraven View Post
met the wife maria yesterday at terminal 4 heathrow. plane was 20 mins early and only had to wait about 40 for her to go through immigration etc. glad i had the sense to take warm clothes as it was the coldest day so far as she wouldnt stop telling me we got back home after train journeys early evening but she was so tired went to bed at seven. up at eight this morning and went to my local to meet my friends after i had cooked a large english brunch.i think she enjoyed listening to our conversations but didnt join in much as she was still feeling tired, fell asleep in the afternoon and went back to bed after dinner at seven. so all in all my kids havent seen much of her yet, hopefully if she is feeling better tomorrow we can put up the chrissy tree etc.the living room is so hot i keep nodding off myself
Ah, Ian ... it all sounds soooo familiar, mate! Myrna's flight came in nearly half an hour early, too ... 06.00 hrs ... except SHE'D flown into Manchester Airport - where I'D "hung around" all night beforehand. Brrr! Like you, I had had the good sense to bring along a large handgrip full of warm clothing ... as it was still just early March when Myrna arrived. Reckon the likes of British Gas should be doing a roaring trade on the Stock Market very soon - with the heating bills you and I can expect to pop through our respective letterboxes this winter, if the past few days are anything to go by. It's freezing up in Jockland as well, man!

Great to know that Maria got here safe and sound - in spite of the jetlag!