Is it just fun or is it something else? Do you flirt just for the hang of it? What are your thoughts about it?
Is it just fun or is it something else? Do you flirt just for the hang of it? What are your thoughts about it?
All males will flirt married or not, whether they know they are doing it or not, it is genetically built in. The question should be: "When you are flirting are you just having a bit of friendly banter, or looking for something else?"
So girls, if hubby says they are not they are lying, guys don't suddenly think all other women suddenly become ugly just because they have you.![]()
Keith - Administrator
I am flirting with the idea of having another whisky!!
Pressed rat and warthog closed down their shop!
That is true with some women and some are very good at it! I think it depends on how you are as a person. If the person is quite confident, outgoing and they seem to get more attention from the opposite sex, then that type of person is much more likely to flirt! It also depends on what you call flirting.
I don't agree that all males flirt as someone who is shy and doesn't get so much attention from women is not going to flirt that much. They can try but if women don't seem to find them that attractive, their flirting isn't really going to get very far! Sure, I agree that most guys will find it hard not to look at attractive women, but I don't really call that flirting, unless they do it very obviously, hoping to see that the woman they are looking at will notice him looking at her and will flirt back to him.
Keith - Administrator
I'm answering the question, which concerns men.
If you want it from a womans perspective, a woman will flirt whether she is ugly/beautiful in order to entice the best mate for the job. Most women will only concentrate on one guy, apart from the odd Manc slapper... whereas a guy wants to spread his seed as much as possible.
Keith - Administrator
I agree with what you said there but is that flirting? A more outgoing confident guy would take advantage of the situation and flirt, but a quieter guy would help the girl but most likely do nothing on the flirting side or not know how to flirt!
These scientific tests are quite interesting though!
My girlfriend always claimed she has been "pakipot" at the beginning of our correspondence, waiting for me to make the first move, but with hindsight I am wondering.....
win2win...aint this too harsh? "All males will flirt married or not..." hehehe. If a man flirts does it means that the "flirtee" is a she (assuming that flirter is straight)? Ergo all women flirt too married or not.
In any case, to some people flirting is immoral and of course unfair to their partner (assuming partner is not a flirt). To others, well..., its more of a pride thingy. It goes to show that "flirters" are mere imperfect social animals.
One's inner being (both flirter and flirtee) is aroused when flirtation is on a positive note. When all is well flirtation elevates to adventure that both will be blinded by instincts. An instinct that has been within man since ancient of days. Passion steps in....blinded passion I might say. They engage and wake up the next day confused.
Flirter and flirtee will ask themselves...was it right...was it wrong? Was he good...was she strong?
At this point things change...![]()
You're missing the generic point. All guys do it, and those who think they are not are doing it subconsciously regardless of relationship status. It's how natural selection works.
...and by the way girls, men like to keep things as simple as possible. We have two categories for all women:
her .....and .... wouldn't
. We can have female friends, but the still fit into one of the boxes.
...anyone see the look on the womens faces on here at the moment?![]()
Keith - Administrator
hmmm... the art of flirting... thin line between just chatting and wanting to "bed" someone... Flirting is a basic instinct, part of human nature. This is not surprising: if we did not initiate contact and express interest in members of the opposite sex, we would not progress to reproduction, and the human species would become extinct.
both sexes flirt... but we each have our own views on flirting... some women would find it ok if their men flirt... some don't want their men to even look at a woman... it is natural to all mammals... it is innate... the question is, how far would the words go?
Flirting is a common form of social interaction whereby one person obliquely indicates a romantic and/or sexual interest towards another. It can consist of conversation, body language, or brief physical contact.
But others would define flirting as simply knowing the rules of conversation.
win2win...I get your point. I was just surprised that your made a SWEEP on "all" men as flirts. In a woman's perspective...that could be a maybe. However, there are still a few married saints that I personally know that when the boys have a night out, then one would suggest to go to a bar or club filled with women, this particular married saint would always decline to come. Reason being...just to resist temptation. And he still does up to this day.
By the way the boomboom iconis soooooooo hilarious.
As for your categories about women...I agree...but would prefer the ones who would like to have fun and be served with breakfast all the time.
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