My Wifes schgen Visa ran out back in mid november, we went to apply for a french Visa knowing the setup. But alas no interviews were avaiable on the Online booking system.
So the Place we wanted to go was Italy. I had read that the Italian embassy was much more stricter on the time that was issued. For example for a two week holiday they will give you two weeks and maybe a few days extra.
Well we dcecided to ring up anyway, the cost at a pound a mintue is a bit steep but i can see they have to fund the system some how to stop the italian taxpayer having to pay the costs. After some problems using a phone with a faulty keypad if the tone for each number is not recgonised the service will not work correctly. So try and test your phone on a banking system or some other touch tone service if you can to ensure all the buttons work.
Anyway we booked the appotiment ensured we had our marriage certficate (more on that later) passports, we also brought our travel insurance documents, my wifes bank statments and pay slips just in case but they were never asked for.
We turned up at the Visa section of the Embassy which is 136 buckingham palace road, this is just across the road from the shopping centre attached to the train station and along the road from the bus station.
At 8.10 a few people were waiting around but my Wife like a true phill should do decided instead of standing in the torrential rain we should go to the nearest coffe bar (loads of places to wait around) in fact the libray is up the road if you need to wait somewhere warm and not waste money on coffes etc. We came back at 8.45 with full stomachs and joined the queue which had about 10 - 15 people with a few more joining after us. A couple of the people were eu citzens with their partners we later found out.
My Wife went in witht the rest they had a security check and don't take any large bags etc, they allowed people in with ruksacks on both our vists but be aware the sign on the door says otherwise.
My wife had to speak to one lady who checked her documents who said she would have to pay 23 pounds as her Marriage certficate was not certfiyed by the phillpino embassy she texted me and i came running from waiting in the station with the money. But when she spoke to a man inside with her documents she asked about the fee and said it did not mention a fee on the website, and he wrote no fee on the little white slip which you get given to pick up your Passport once the visa is issued.![]()
Watch out though, another brit lady speaking on behalf of her husband had an argument about the fee (neither were phill) and i think had to pay for it. Remeber never upset an official if you can help it.
When speaking to the man my wife also asked if it was possible to have a 6 month (90 day) visa and he saw her previous visa with the stamps from each trip we made including italy and said ok no problems.
All this including having to come down to the door to pick up the 23 pounds in case she needed it from me took, less than an hour.
All the applicants who were polite and brought the right documents etc were treated very politely. The Guard on the door is very friendly even invited me in to keep out of the rain. In fact it appears that spouses can stay with their other half if required.
The return date was two weeks after the application.
My wife filled out the form so i could pick up her passport.
I took my passport and the form waited in a queue of maybe 20 people and with in ten mintues i had the passport in my hand.
Hope this is of use to others.