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Thread: ILR online booking :-(

  1. #1
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    ILR online booking :-(

    hello! I would like to thank everyone to all those who gave me some advice with regards to life in the uk husband and I both passed the test last 13 October..but now, we have another things to sort I was browsing the UKBA website, I was so delighted that the home office do have this online booking for all those applicants who just wish to book online (of course! ) instead of calling by phone ( busy line ).. so i registered myself and my dependants..and now, it's been more than a month..checking and logging in everyday to UKBA website and still can't find any available slot for 7 PEO always says that "due to high demand of applications made everyday, there is no available appoinment blah..blah..blah.." i can't imagine that booking for 25 January is already fully booked..

    my questions are:
    when is the best time to phone home office for booking an appointment?) my visa was issued on 17 January 2005..I first entered UK on the 22 Feb 2005 (5 year qualifying period to apply for ILR ) my visa will expire on 02 March 2010..

    are you guys also having the same problem with regards to online and phoning the home office? I really don't want to send my application by post as it takes ages for them to decide my immigration status..

    thanks for reading my post and again thank you so much for the help..

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Try calling at 8.58 in the morning.

    or If you are desperate, you can contact any immigration adviser. they may arrange appointment for you but it will cost you

    or post it

  3. #3
    Respected Member aphrodite78's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    Try calling at 8.58 in the morning.

    or If you are desperate, you can contact any immigration adviser. they may arrange appointment for you but it will cost you

    or post it
    yup i agree
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  4. #4
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    I'm delighted to learn of your success in the 'Life in the UK' Exam. Very well done! All the more so, in the light of the high pass mark [75%, I believe] needed. Indeed, I (think) it'd be fair to say that more than a few native Brits ... myself included ... would find themselves hard-pressed to achieve such a commendable standard!

    Good Luck in contacting the Home Office.

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    thank you arthurlittle for your compliment (reviewing, reading and understanding the life in the uk book and taking the exam as well is no joke..whew!) and thank you joebloggs and aphrodite78 for your replies..last night i read loads of forums and many applicants also shared their sentiments, disappointments etc..etc..with regards to booking an appoinment for premium service..In fact, they already raised this concern to UKBA authorities and they (applicants) signed a petition which states as follow:

    "The UK Border Agency claims to allow visa applicants to make an appointment either online or by the phone. However, appointments are not available for days yet there is no guidance on when further slots will be available. Despite this, UKBA claims on its website that appointments "are made available throughout the day", causing considerable distress to applicants trying to secure an in-person appointment, as we try throughout the day to get an appointment. Postal applications are a non-starter for most of us due to the average 4 *months* processing time, meaning we and our UK partners cannot travel as we will not have our passports. The telephone booking system, an expensive 0870 number, is equally difficult and we are told by a recorded message to apply online! We are forced to resort to expensive lawyers (£1,200 upwards), as they have slots secured with UKBA. This disgraceful: we do not and are not allowed to claim benefits and we pay taxes and national insurance. There is no justification for treating legitimate visa applicants married to UK nationals in this way. If there are no slots available, be transparent and say so and spare us the time, distress and money."

  6. #6
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    to joeblogss and aphrodite78..thanks for your replies..if i still have no luck..i might end up sending my application thru post..and to arthurlittle..thank you so much for your compliment..reading,understanding and reviewing the life in the uk book is no's a hard work though..whew! anywayz, last night i read loads of forums and they have all the same sentiments as mine..In fact they already raised this concern to UKBA and loads of applicants signed a petition..It says:

    The UK Border Agency claims to allow visa applicants to make an appointment either online or by the phone. However, appointments are not available for days yet there is no guidance on when further slots will be available. Despite this, UKBA claims on its website that appointments "are made available throughout the day", causing considerable distress to applicants trying to secure an in-person appointment, as we try throughout the day to get an appointment. Postal applications are a non-starter for most of us due to the average 4 *months* processing time, meaning we and our UK partners cannot travel as we will not have our passports. The telephone booking system, an expensive 0870 number, is equally difficult and we are told by a recorded message to apply online! We are forced to resort to expensive lawyers (£1,200 upwards), as they have slots secured with UKBA. This disgraceful: we do not and are not allowed to claim benefits and we pay taxes and national insurance. There is no justification for treating legitimate visa applicants married to UK nationals in this way. If there are no slots available, be transparent and say so and spare us the time, distress and money.

    The author of this letter is absolutely right!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by deimei View Post
    to joeblogss and aphrodite78..thanks for your replies..if i still have no luck..i might end up sending my application thru post..and to arthurlittle..thank you so much for your compliment..reading,understanding and reviewing the life in the uk book is no's a hard work though..whew! anywayz, last night i read loads of forums and they have all the same sentiments as mine..In fact they already raised this concern to UKBA and loads of applicants signed a petition..It says:

    The UK Border Agency claims to allow visa applicants to make an appointment either online or by the phone. However, appointments are not available for days yet there is no guidance on when further slots will be available. Despite this, UKBA claims on its website that appointments "are made available throughout the day", causing considerable distress to applicants trying to secure an in-person appointment, as we try throughout the day to get an appointment. Postal applications are a non-starter for most of us due to the average 4 *months* processing time, meaning we and our UK partners cannot travel as we will not have our passports. The telephone booking system, an expensive 0870 number, is equally difficult and we are told by a recorded message to apply online! We are forced to resort to expensive lawyers (£1,200 upwards), as they have slots secured with UKBA. This disgraceful: we do not and are not allowed to claim benefits and we pay taxes and national insurance. There is no justification for treating legitimate visa applicants married to UK nationals in this way. If there are no slots available, be transparent and say so and spare us the time, distress and money.

    The author of this letter is absolutely right!
    Not sure I totally agree.. The problem is partially down to immigration lawyers booking slots - so if the BIA published when the slots were going to be available it wouldn't be much better as you'd still be fighting against immigration lawyers to get the slots.

    As for the statment "Postal applications are a non-starter for most of us", most people do apply via post. The waiting time may be about 4 months, but so what, surely you can plan your life around not wanting/needing to travel for a few months so you can save yourself the hassle/cost of applying in person.

  8. #8
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darren-b View Post
    ... most people *do apply via post ... so you can save yourself the hassle/cost of applying in person.
    ... DO they, though? Okay ... it may be COSTLIER to apply in person ... but I'd have thought it would be a lot less HASSLE ... because ... based on the assumption that all documents were in order ... then surely it means the applicant can simply walk out [from wherever] with his/her visa later the same day as the paperwork is submitted.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    ... DO they, though? Okay ... it may be COSTLIER to apply in person ... but I'd have thought it would be a lot less HASSLE ... because ... based on the assumption that all documents were in order ... then surely it means the applicant can simply walk out [from wherever] with his/her visa later the same day as the paperwork is submitted.
    Going by what I've seen on this forum and the people I know personally I would say many more people apply for FLR/ILR by post than in person. Going by this thread it seems like it's difficult to get an appointment anyway.

    You probably won't have to wait for a result if you apply in person (same day isn't guaranteed..) but it's definately more hassle especially if you don't live near a PEO - your nearest PEO is Glasgow, my nearest PEO is Croydon which for me would have been a 2 hour journey each way and therefore would have meant a day off work. Far more hassle than just nipping into the post office and sending it special delivery.

  10. #10
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darren-b View Post
    Going by what I've seen on this forum and the people I know personally I would say many more people apply for FLR/ILR by post than in person. Going by this thread it seems like it's difficult to get an appointment anyway.

    You probably won't have to wait for a result if you apply in person (same day isn't guaranteed..) but it's definately more hassle especially if you don't live near a PEO - your nearest PEO is Glasgow, my nearest PEO is Croydon which for me would have been a 2 hour journey each way and therefore would have meant a day off work. Far more hassle than just nipping into the post office and sending it special delivery.
    Hmm ... think WE'LL just nip through to Glasgow when MY wife's turn comes around ... it's only just over an hour's journey from Perth. And with me being retired, I can easily call back to collect in the event of any unforeseen delay.

    Much obliged for this 'useful to know' information, Darren.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Hmm ... think WE'LL just nip through to Glasgow when MY wife's turn comes around ... it's only just over an hour's journey from Perth. And with me being retired, I can easily call back to collect in the event of any unforeseen delay.

    Much obliged for this 'useful to know' information, Darren.
    After all that you have said on this forum I am quite surprised that you would pay the extra £200 for the premium service (£1K+ in total..)

    My point about not getting a same day service was that you could spend the extra money and still not get it the same day, though admittedly as a spouse this is unlikely if you've done everything correctly. If they don't process it the same day they will post it back to you.

  12. #12
    Respected Member islander's Avatar
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    This procedure is even more horrible as compared to posting applications.....

    I even thought of applying personally even if I have to pay £200 more when it's my time to apply for ILR just to avoid the long wait which I thought is less hassle & less worries. I'm confused now!
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