Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
plus side is

a wedding in the phils is a lot cheaper than the UK..
A wedding in the phils is better value, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it would be cheaper. Big wedding in the Phils with loads (and it could be loads...) of family and friends could cost more than small wedding in the UK as you can get married very cheaply in the UK.

Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
if you marry in the phils and apply for a spouse visa, your fiancée shouldn't need to apply for FLR in the uk, saving you nearly £500. .
But getting married in the Philippines would require you to make an extra trip to the Philippines which is likely to cost you at at least £500 just in travelling costs.

Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
also saving you the hassle, time and collecting evidence of applying for FLR
FLR is the easiest to apply for, and even with a spouse visa you need to start collecting evidence for ILR immediately anyway.

Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
also once in the UK she can look for a job and start work straight away, while on a fiancée visa she can not start work until your married and she has FLR ( could be from what 2 months upto 9 months wait , depending on when you marry and how long it takes to process the FLR) so if you was on a spouse visa and she was lucky to find some work in a month instead of having to wait for flr.
But getting married in the Philippines relies on you making a longish (at least 2 weeks?) trip to the Philippines which depending on work could delay you for longer. Maybe it's just me but when my wife (then my fiancee) came to the UK which was her first visit to another country (especially as it was winter...) I wouldn't have wanted her to work immediately even if she was allowed to.

Swings and roundabouts....