Quote Originally Posted by mrako View Post
I have thought about that but figure that can have a cheap wedding here just so that we can apply for her to stay here for 2 years and then once we have saved properly we can have a proper wedding in the PI. If we were to marry now on Phils it will initially be more expensive and take longer for her to come here due to my limited savings.

Could you give the plus side for us to get married in the PI?
plus side is

a wedding in the phils is a lot cheaper than the UK.

if you marry in the phils and apply for a spouse visa, your fiancée shouldn't need to apply for FLR in the uk, saving you nearly £500.

also saving you the hassle, time and collecting evidence of applying for FLR

also once in the UK she can look for a job and start work straight away, while on a fiancée visa she can not start work until your married and she has FLR ( could be from what 2 months upto 9 months wait , depending on when you marry and how long it takes to process the FLR) so if you was on a spouse visa and she was lucky to find some work in a month instead of having to wait for flr.