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Thread: Hello everyone.

  1. #1
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    Hello everyone.

    Hello everyone..I'm a newbie here. I'm Angela Tan from the Philippines..I'm a new Registered Nurse. I'm planning to take an NVQ course for a year there in UK, specifically in Birmingham. I would just like to ask, is it possible to acquire a working permit after my course? And can I get a part time job easily while studying? Hoping for your kind assistance.

  2. #2
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamen View Post
    Hello everyone..I'm a newbie here. I'm Angela Tan from the Philippines..I'm a new Registered Nurse. I'm planning to take an NVQ course for a year there in UK, specifically in Birmingham. I would just like to ask, is it possible to acquire a working permit after my course? And can I get a part time job easily while studying? Hoping for your kind assistance.
    Welcome, Angela.

    ... I believe that once upon a time ... oooh ... maybe something like 5 years ago ... there was a Recruitment Drive to attract nurses from the Philippines - due to their well-earned reputation for dependability and a capacity for being hard-working. However, these days seem to be long gone ... as a knock-on effect of the current economic recession throughout the UK and elsewhere. Moreover, I THINK applicants require to demonstrate at least 12 months' work-related experience, in order to become eligible for registration with the Nursing & Midwifery Council.

    Having said that, I can appreciate your desire to build on your existing skills by working abroad ... and, to that end, I have contacted someone who may be able to advise you as to the best way forward. So please stay in touch.

  3. #3
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Off the record, Angela ... I seem to have read somewhere, that there's an organsation known as PNAUK or, to give it its full title, 'Philippine Nursing Association in the UK'. I've no idea where it's located, mind you, but I understand it liaises with the NMC.

  4. #4
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    I'm a newbie here myself Angela but this is a very helpful forum and I would simply like to welcome you while agreeing with Arthur's comments. As I have already discovered, there are various "threads" on here which are useful. It's not clear from your letter whether you have done the year's work in Philippine hospital(s) which the UK NMC requires for registration, but even after doing that you're not guaranteed of a job. So, depending on your circumstances, you may prefer to aim for a care assistant post and be able to study for NVQ at the same time. As for a part time job in the UK, you're competing with many unemployed people here, but there are jobs available if you're prepared for work other than those related to nursing.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackson.alan46 View Post
    I'm a newbie here myself Angela but this is a very helpful forum and I would simply like to welcome you while agreeing with Arthur's comments. As I have already discovered, there are various "threads" on here which are useful. It's not clear from your letter whether you have done the year's work in Philippine hospital(s) which the UK NMC requires for registration, but even after doing that you're not guaranteed of a job. So, depending on your circumstances, you may prefer to aim for a care assistant post and be able to study for NVQ at the same time. As for a part time job in the UK, you're competing with many unemployed people here, but there are jobs available if you're prepared for work other than those related to nursing.
    I agree with you Jack .. I have 3 fil nurses friend been here awhile and at the moment they still are working as care assistant in Nursing home. From where I worked before staff are allowed to do NVQ while working , if he/she wishes to and you dont need to be a registered nurse to do it. Student visa is ok to do 20 hours a week .
    If it's not life threatening IGNORE it .. .

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaishann View Post
    . I have 3 fil nurses friend been here awhile and at the moment they still are working as care assistant in Nursing home. .
    my wife has been in the UK 4 1/2 yrs and after 3 exams, finally she can register with the GMC , for nearly the last 4yrs she's worked as a senior assistant officer part time.

    it can be a long hard road for some to register and do the job they are trained to do, it will surely cost more, take longer than you think to register and months if not years of studying to pass any registration exams and many have to or just give up along the way

  7. #7
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    With due respect Joe, it's NMC (Nursing and Midwifery Council), not GMC (General Medical Council).

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackson.alan46 View Post
    With due respect Joe, it's NMC (Nursing and Midwifery Council), not GMC (General Medical Council).
    i know my wife is a doc not a nurse ..

    but its the same problems, why are so many still working in care homes once they have ILR, and have not moved into nursing, sure most are tied to a workpermit and have to stick to that type of job.

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    Oops, forgive me Joe ! But I share your concerns. I'm a doctor (retired) so don't pay my GMC subscription anymore ! My filipina girlfriend / fiancee will graduate as a nurse next year but if all goes well and she obtains her fiancee visa she will come to UK to be with me and simply have to accept care assistant work , because we don't want to wait another year while she works in Philippines hospital(s) , still with no guarantee of a nursing job here !

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackson.alan46 View Post
    Oops, forgive me Joe ! But I share your concerns. I'm a doctor (retired) so don't pay my GMC subscription anymore ! My filipina girlfriend / fiancee will graduate as a nurse next year but if all goes well and she obtains her fiancee visa she will come to UK to be with me and simply have to accept care assistant work , because we don't want to wait another year while she works in Philippines hospital(s) , still with no guarantee of a nursing job here !
    I'm sure that your future wife will be most welcome in our nursing homes - some of these establishments do little to earn the name "nursing" from my experience. It may not be the high-tech nursing that many nursing graduates want to do but it is an area where real nursing and caring skills can make a world of difference - it is cardiac care in the truest form - all from the heart! Sadly many HCAs do not get the salary that they deserve...

    Good luck to your fiance in her exams! I'm sure that she can combine both heart and brain to really show how good nursing can be!

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