I cannot believe the last 24 hours!!!
Lola NC (Hanna's aunt) died at 7.11p.m. yesterday evening. Her Mass was in Ginatilan at 1.00p.m. this afternoon and she was buried at 3.20p.m.!!!
The whole town turned out AND MORE. Hundreds came from towns around - some even from Cebu City - and some from MANILA!!!
I never realised what a popular and important woman was this 'peasant farmer' from the mountains!!!
Mayor Dean Michael of Ginatilan sent his car and driver to pick her up from Cebu City yesterday afternoon. She made the trip - was stretchered up the mountain to her home - and died after being placed in her own bed after 8 minutes!!!
Hanna is quite inconsolable at the moment - she has lost a part of her life! I phoned Qatar airways this afternoon and postponed my flight back to the UK for another 3 months. I shall now return at the end of March.
I have, quite honestly, never seen such an outpouring of grief since Princess Diana. Ginatilan closed today - Lola NC has left the building!!!