Heya guys!!!I've missed all of you especially penny dear sexy sophie and everyone who have spared their most precious time listenin and talkin and giving advises to me...

As of the moment im havin the time of ma life with ma man.Went to Visit london last weekend and was superb and made great pics n shopping haahaha..Gonna go there soon for their winter wonderland thingy in Hyde Park i think!!!really really nice...Hampshire is really nice and Winchester too,really laid back..Made loads of pics from duckies to horses and doggies..real cool ones..Just wennt to their xmas market and soo loving it.ice ring and sata claus and the elves..me likey..I cnt wait to go to Wales this xmas and spend it with Asa's Family..Theyre amazing....Now me sooo excited putting up our xmas trees as in TREEES coz i convinced ASA to buy a black one..hehehe

Ohh add me up ma friends to ma FB account - qchotmomma@hotmail.com

really miss tha folks here especially mr keith!how yah doin mate???