my sister (our youngest) died on 23rd of decemer 2007... it was a sudden death, so it's very diffucult till now.. she died of an asthma attack.. we were on our way home from the farm (it's in a remote area therefore no big hospitals nearby) when she had her attack... we were still laughing and had a wonderful time swimming in the brook in our farm.. then came her attack when we were walking to the car... she asked if we can pass by the health center as she needs a nebulator.. her spray is not helping her breath apparently... the health centre's oxygen tank and nebulator are both defective.. oh well, i don't want to relieve it all again... so so painful to remember her dying in my arms...
she's our youngest and she's naturally sweet... very thoughtful, loving and caring... she loves christmas and she always decorates our christmas tree and helps me cook christmas dinner for the family...
after her death, our christmases are never the same... the christmas tree wasn't up for christmas 2008 as my mom doesn't want to celebrate it... we just went straight to bed after attending mass... but before i left for the UK, i made sure the christmas tree is up this year as we have our little 3-year old nephew running about the house and would like to experience christmas... i just hope that my mom didn't bring it down when i left for the UK...
oh well... such is life.. onward we all go after a tragedy...