Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
Thank you very much Vbkelly and Adam&Chris!
I admire people who are fair! Merry Christmas to All!!!!

Yes a friend is always a friend, I consider members here as friends.
If you and Mrs. Major are enemies, please don't get me involve. Mrs. Major is my friend and you are not my enemy.

I am not a friend looking for enemies here, so peace be with you. Amen?
I am not into sports sorry. I am proud of Pacquiao in some other ways,
but not interested to watch any of his fights.
So, you will have no luck for sure.

I wish you sorted out all your docs and soon to fly to UK.
I wish this forum helps you sorted your visa problem and not helps you find enemies.

Friends? Penny is just around!
find enEMIES ...LOL looks like your searching for it miss penny dear..you must be at your legal age not to judhe anyone here to find enemies ..or rather say you must get pregnant so you know exactly how is to feel to be loving mother rather than me finding enemy as you said lol ....

anyway peace to you dear miss sexy penny...