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Thread: Return to the sludge

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Return to the sludge

    Well I'll be back in blighty by this Saturday morning, and will probably be booking to come back here not long after.

    I've met Judith, who found Bill via this site last year, and is just in the process of going through the medicals with the US goverment so she can get in to marry. Shouldn't be any problems. Bill is from Arizona, the desert place, and it's been snowing!!! I met Bill last year, very nice guy. They look good together.

    I met Jenneth, Judiths friend, who found someone on here a few months back, and although their is a big age gap, as long as they are happy, that is all that matters. The Guy is from Norwich, so not far for a visit when Jen is in the UK.

    Grace who met Chris here, is still messing around with the fiancee visa, but will eventually get here in the end, as she's back in the Philippines now.

    That leaves our friend Marlyn, who's still looking, and our best friend Ling Ling, who's the cutest virgin you'll ever see, been on the site as No.1 since it's launch, I also have her on Friendfinder & Meetic, and still can't get her anyone decent!! I'd have her no question, but the wife won't share!! Still, I won't stop till I find her someone, as the poor girl is lonely, and will probably be the only one of our friends left in Singapore in a few months.

    Thanks to Pete for keeping things chugging along while I've been out catching skin cancer!!

    I've also put together some business cards for the site, and have been handing them out to the local filipino's, maybe some of you can hand them out in the Philippines on your next visit. I can send you 100 or so if you want them.

    The above proves the site does do what it was set up for, and to have more than one happy couple out of it makes it worth all the effort. Long may it continue.

    Keith & Ping

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  2. #2
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Re: Return to the sludge

    Its great to see our Forum Admin Moderator Keith checking in their from Singapore, calling in from the most cleanest country in the world, we are glad you could stop by Keith, tell your cute virgin, i would have her too, but I dont think her Ladyship would wear it !!!, still their must be someone out there for her, we will all keep trying wont we, glad to have you back soon Keith, so you are due back on Saturday 22nd by the sound of it, hmmmmm time soon goes when you are enjoying a nice earned vaction, and we will expect you to come on and write about Singapore for us ok.

    Have a good time Keith and Ping,and enjoy your vactation.

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