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Thread: Civil Ceremony fee

  1. #1
    Respected Member liane's Avatar
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    Question Civil Ceremony fee

    I just would like to know from those who had a civil wedding ceremony how much fee you paid at your city hall? I was told to pay PHp12,000+ which includes the advance endorsement fee, but will have to pay another fee for the seminar. Is this fee reasonable .
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  2. #2
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    NO this is ridiculous - I paid php 2000 (or maybe it was 3000 - I can probably check I have my scribbled budget somewhere at home...) for the judges services on the day in cash. The application for the licence was around 250php I think but you had to go to the free seminars and get signed off before they issued the licence. The most expensive part of the paperwork was the CNI from the British Embassy, which I had issued there.

    Check with others in your municipality what they paid, or go to the city judges office and ask their for a civil ceremony price....

  3. #3
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    We didn't go down that route, of marrying in the city halls, but that sounds far too much & another fee to pay on top of that...No it can't be right?

  4. #4
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by liane View Post
    I just would like to know from those who had a civil wedding ceremony how much fee you paid at your city hall? I was told to pay PHp12,000+ which includes the advance endorsement fee, but will have to pay another fee for the seminar. Is this fee reasonable .
    That's far too much. We got a judge for P5,000 at the last minute (2 days notice) and that was to perform the marriage ceremony about 7 miles from the city hall, although he got his secretary to phone an hour before the ceremony to say that he wanted another P5,000 or he wouldn't turn up....... the joys of being a white man in the Philippines. I'm sure I was told at the time that the normal price (Filipino price) for a wedding at the city hall was just a few hundred pesos.

  5. #5
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by liane View Post
    I just would like to know from those who had a civil wedding ceremony how much fee you paid at your city hall? I was told to pay PHp12,000+ which includes the advance endorsement fee, but will have to pay another fee for the seminar. Is this fee reasonable .
    Myrna and I were married at her first-degree cousin's house, on the outskirts of Tagum City. The ceremony [including payment of fees, &c.] was arranged through the Municipal Civil Registrar's Office in Mabini, Comval Province, and performed by a local Circuit Court Judge. Hence, no hire charge for the City Hall.

    To be honest, Liane, I'm at a loss to recall how much WE actually shelled-out in total. But it most certainly came nowhere near the amount you're being asked to pay ... which, with the other respondents, seems "way over the top"!

  6. #6
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by justchecking View Post
    The most expensive part of the paperwork *was the CNI from the British Embassy
    Too damned RIGHT, it *IS ... ! And for what? Simply to exchange one perfectly legitimate [British] slip of paper for another (far less detailed proof, at that!) ... in order to comply with Philippines' legislation! A sheer waste of time and money!


  7. #7
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    Hi Liane - I checked my notes and definatley only paid the judge 2000php for our civil ceremony in May this year - please please see if you can find someone else - wishing you well - stand firm!

  8. #8
    Respected Member rayofLight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by liane View Post
    I just would like to know from those who had a civil wedding ceremony how much fee you paid at your city hall? I was told to pay PHp12,000+ which includes the advance endorsement fee, but will have to pay another fee for the seminar. Is this fee reasonable .
    Hello, as what ived known its only free, especially if the Mayor will be the one to conduct the ceremony, all you have to pay is the papers..and i think its only hundreds,,,but maybe if you get a judge to conduct the ceremony, you will pay the judge, but that is very expensive, it's almost the same as here in Uk, we paid 210pounds, 150pounds of that amount is ''rent of civil register''(where the ceremony will be held)....

  9. #9
    Respected Member liane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sim11UK View Post
    We didn't go down that route, of marrying in the city halls, but that sounds far too much & another fee to pay on top of that...No it can't be right?
    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    That's far too much. We got a judge for P5,000 at the last minute (2 days notice) and that was to perform the marriage ceremony about 7 miles from the city hall, although he got his secretary to phone an hour before the ceremony to say that he wanted another P5,000 or he wouldn't turn up....... the joys of being a white man in the Philippines. I'm sure I was told at the time that the normal price (Filipino price) for a wedding at the city hall was just a few hundred pesos.
    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Myrna and I were married at her first-degree cousin's house, on the outskirts of Tagum City. The ceremony [including payment of fees, &c.] was arranged through the Municipal Civil Registrar's Office in Mabini, Comval Province, and performed by a local Circuit Court Judge. Hence, no hire charge for the City Hall.

    To be honest, Liane, I'm at a loss to recall how much WE actually shelled-out in total. But it most certainly came nowhere near the amount you're being asked to pay ... which, with the other respondents, seems "way over the top"!
    Quote Originally Posted by justchecking View Post
    Hi Liane - I checked my notes and definatley only paid the judge 2000php for our civil ceremony in May this year - please please see if you can find someone else - wishing you well - stand firm!
    Thanks everyone for sharing your experiences.
    I checked again on the city hall today and have the lady further explained to me about the fee. I was told that it will only take 3 days after marriage to have my authenticated marriage certificate from NSO(they said they will give me extra copies, too). I think it has some advantages for it will be faster, they said it usually take some months for the NSO copies. So I could have my passport renewed with my married name then
    She got my number and might lessen the amount
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  10. #10
    Respected Member liane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rayofLight View Post
    Hello, as what ived known its only free, especially if the Mayor will be the one to conduct the ceremony, all you have to pay is the papers..and i think its only hundreds,,,but maybe if you get a judge to conduct the ceremony, you will pay the judge, but that is very expensive, it's almost the same as here in Uk, we paid 210pounds, 150pounds of that amount is ''rent of civil register''(where the ceremony will be held)....
    They charged a different fee if marrying a foreign national so they have some monkey business on the city hall . Some of the fee will be more of the speed of the papers.
    I don't like our city mayor because I know I will be charge more (he's a corrupt mayor for years ) and I be paying more on the reception for he will tag along as many colleagues he has
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  11. #11
    Restricted Access September's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by liane View Post
    I just would like to know from those who had a civil wedding ceremony how much fee you paid at your city hall? I was told to pay PHp12,000+ which includes the advance endorsement fee, but will have to pay another fee for the seminar. Is this fee reasonable .
    You gonna get marry in Phil liane? Who told you that ? Its only 300 pesos in munisipyo jesus !

    and yes, 500 for the one wo will do the ceremony liane, that is too much

  12. #12
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Stick to your guns, Liane! Don't let the "authorities" get away with charging extortionate fees ... by virtue of the fact that you're marrying a foreigner! Such malpractice on their part COULD be construed as racism, imo., i.e., branding all Westerners as being wealthy [which they are NOT!].

    Furthermore, I've just been checking with Myrna (who was asleep when I typed my previous post last night!) and she tells me the fee for the Judge conducting OUR ceremony amounted to only 300 peso!!! A queer difference from *Php12,000 ... * as I'm sure most folk would agree!

  13. #13
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    Oh no - so I paid too much too - ah well. But we followed up our papers in the city hall and pushed for them to go through the system there faster to get to NSO in Manila in the hope that we could get them back in 1 month (no payments for speed), we got our papers back from NSO after 3.5months, once it goes out of the hands of the Municipal office they cannot control the speed of NSO - they are not being truthful - as Arthur Little says 'don't let them get away with it.....'

  14. #14
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    we paid much higher....P14K in QC Hall, no more seminar for us. No judge was available that day, so we were wed by a Christian pastor. Documents were released after 12 days. Had no problems with NSO when I requested for copy.

  15. #15
    Respected Member liane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by September View Post
    You gonna get marry in Phil liane? Who told you that ? Its only 300 pesos in munisipyo jesus !

    and yes, 500 for the one wo will do the ceremony liane, that is too much
    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Stick to your guns, Liane! Don't let the "authorities" get away with charging extortionate fees ... by virtue of the fact that you're marrying a foreigner! Such malpractice on their part COULD be construed as racism, imo., i.e., branding all Westerners as being wealthy [which they are NOT!].

    Furthermore, I've just been checking with Myrna (who was asleep when I typed my previous post last night!) and she tells me the fee for the Judge conducting OUR ceremony amounted to only 300 peso!!! A queer difference from *Php12,000 ... * as I'm sure most folk would agree!
    We wanted to have the papers sorted quick so me and fiance still thinking of their asking price
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  16. #16
    Respected Member liane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by justchecking View Post
    Oh no - so I paid too much too - ah well. But we followed up our papers in the city hall and pushed for them to go through the system there faster to get to NSO in Manila in the hope that we could get them back in 1 month (no payments for speed), we got our papers back from NSO after 3.5months, once it goes out of the hands of the Municipal office they cannot control the speed of NSO - they are not being truthful - as Arthur Little says 'don't let them get away with it.....'
    Quote Originally Posted by Braveheart View Post
    we paid much higher....P14K in QC Hall, no more seminar for us. No judge was available that day, so we were wed by a Christian pastor. Documents were released after 12 days. Had no problems with NSO when I requested for copy.
    So somehow we have the same price brackets for the wedding fee . Braveheart, you paid more yet its faster.
    I was promised to have have it on 3 days ( hope it's true) if I decided to have a go in it.
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    Quote Originally Posted by liane View Post
    They charged a different fee if marrying a foreign national so they have some monkey business on the city hall . Some of the fee will be more of the speed of the papers.
    I don't like our city mayor because I know I will be charge more (he's a corrupt mayor for years ) and I be paying more on the reception for he will tag along as many colleagues he has
    well, in our municipality, you will only pay the papers needed before the wedding, but its not that thousands, my brother is a mayor in our municipality, and it's only a free ceremony for him,'coz he is happy that the couple went into a proper process of marriage....which is a wedding........
    that's why i am joking to my asawa here, to have our civil wedding in the philippines 'coz its free compare here its 210pounds,hahaha..the rent of the register office where the wedding be held, is the most expensive here....

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    that's true rayoflight.. paid 60 pounds as "deposit" (to ensure that we get the date) then will pay 50.50 on the day of the wedding for the registrar.. but ours is not as expensive as your fees though..

    as for liane, i would not pay the 12k if i were you.. even if thy say it will speed things up.. what they can speed up is the issuance of the license.. but not the registration to the NSO.. you will still might have to wait longer for the NSO copy... so 12k would be like robbing you off...

  19. #19
    Respected Member rayofLight's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Florge;196543]that's true rayoflight.. paid 60 pounds as "deposit" (to ensure that we get the date) then will pay 50.50 on the day of the wedding for the registrar.. but ours is not as expensive as your fees though..

    yes,,i agree with you florge, 60 only for getting the date, and pay 50 on the wedding day, if you are only i think 5persons is the minimum.....the registrar ask us 150pounds instead of 50, during the wedding 'coz we are almost 20persons all in all inside the register office,,,,and that is the cheapest rent they said,,,

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    Quote Originally Posted by liane View Post
    I just would like to know from those who had a civil wedding ceremony how much fee you paid at your city hall? I was told to pay PHp12,000+ which includes the advance endorsement fee, but will have to pay another fee for the seminar. Is this fee reasonable .
    you know liane when i was married to my husband last oct 13 of these year,we just pay about 4 thousand pesos for the pastor as we are not able to get the judge as the raffle for the judge was friday and our certificate release on the same day so it to late now to make a raffle for the judge and i far as i know that the judge is free is it on you,and it just on you to give a tip to the judge for conducting your wedding.,but definately it free as the govt pay for thier salary,the ceminar fee is 250 each person so for both of you it gonna be 500 pesos.Regarding for the NSO will be release 3 week from the date of ur marriage depend on how fast the local register in ur place work and u have to pay 140pesos for the papers

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by joan View Post
    you know liane when i was married to my husband last oct 13 of these year,we just pay about 4 thousand pesos for the pastor as we are not able to get the judge as the raffle for the judge was friday and our certificate release on the same day so it to late now to make a raffle for the judge and i far as i know that the judge is free is it on you,and it just on you to give a tip to the judge for conducting your wedding.,but definately it free as the govt pay for thier salary,the ceminar fee is 250 each person so for both of you it gonna be 500 pesos.Regarding for the NSO will be release 3 week from the date of ur marriage depend on how fast the local register in ur place work and u have to pay 140pesos for the papers
    Joan, this is the route we went down too. We had all the bother of the judges raffling, which we didn't want, so got a pastor, well infact two pastors.
    We paid 5000 php, split between the two pastors & a donation included, to the protestant church.

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    Quote Originally Posted by liane View Post
    So somehow we have the same price brackets for the wedding fee . Braveheart, you paid more yet its faster.
    I was promised to have have it on 3 days ( hope it's true) if I decided to have a go in it.
    You mean wedding will take place after 3 days?

    A friend of mine who married an american citizen paid slightly higher at P15K. What a way to rip off money huh especially if they know if you are marrying a foreigner.. But atleast you have an idea of their going rate... (on the minimum and maximum)

    We went early that day, filed-up some applications and the guy just arranged everything for us. As mentioned, he tried to locate a judge but none available so he immediately contacted a pastor to perform the ceremony. Everything was done before lunch.

    Also as mentioned, everything was in order with the NSO registration.

    But I am still hoping that you can bargain to lower it down.

    Anyway, best wishes to both of you and Congratulations on your Wedding in advance.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Braveheart View Post
    You mean wedding will take place after 3 days?

    But I am still hoping that you can bargain to lower it down.

    Anyway, best wishes to both of you and Congratulations on your Wedding in advance.
    Just be taking 3 days to have the marriage certificate copy from NSO according to them.
    I hope too that they could lower the fee.
    Thank you so much
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    Quote Originally Posted by liane View Post
    Just be taking 3 days to have the marriage certificate copy from NSO according to them.
    We waited nearly 4 months for it...

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    We waited nearly 4 months for it...
    That's what we were told....unless we'd like to make a payment

  26. #26
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    As far as I could remember.We had ours for free at our local hall of justice in our city but I just put 2,000 pesos in an envelope as a gift to the judge.
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    Hello.. We're going to get married on January 2010 and we process our documents in Lapu-lapu City hall we spend 100php for seminar and we spend 8 hrs on teh seminar then we pay 150php for the application and 180php for Certified true copy. The edding ceremony will be held in Bukidnon if we will make it for judge we can get it for free but the judge will going to do the ceremony inside the court which is i don't like we go for church wedding and we spend only 5,000php because we request the church we're we want to do the ceremony.. If u want to do it in cheapest way don't used any fixer because they will charge you too much but if you do it on your own it's lots of hassles also...

  28. #28
    Respected Member liane's Avatar
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    Thanks everyone for all the replies, I appreciated it.
    Be getting some help from my sis who knows someone from the city hall. I hope I won't be charge as high as 12K.
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  29. #29
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Good luck does seem expensive

  30. #30
    Respected Member liane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sim11UK View Post
    Good luck does seem expensive
    Thanks Simon
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