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Thread: guilt after a miscarriage

  1. #1
    Respected Member angel1231's Avatar
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    Red face guilt after a miscarriage

    Hello guys,
    Just stop by to share my helps a bit if you read online and posting in the forum....

    Christmass wont be as merry as i planned .I had a miscarriage 23 weeks of gestation last week ...all is going well in pregnancy ....enjoying every moment of it and one day i just woke up and had this terrible pain i my lower abdomen and went to the hospital after one hour i was giving birth to my son ..the doctor told me that he is gone...and i cried .and its so hard to lost it just when you are wanting and dreaming for it..

    is any of you exprience this i just want to hear from you how you cope up from the guilt, that from inside......that comes to you all day and question yourself what did i do wrong ....

  2. #2
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    hi sis, first of all i am so sorry to hear about what happened to you and your baby. i have gone through that about 10 years ago. so i kinda know what you are feeling right now. sis you have done nothing wrong, sometimes things like this just happens. be strong, i know it may sound cruel but maybe it was just not the right time. take a lot of rest, take some support from your husband and friends or see if theres any support groups at your local hospital.
    if you ever need to talk, let me know.
    sending lots of love your way, will be saying a prayer for you too. ~hugz~
    God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.

  3. #3
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    Very sorry to hear that, a real blow just before xmas. As a guy theres no way I could understand what your going through, but you shouldnt feel guilty in any way. It wasn't your fault. I hope 2010 brings you happier times. take care

  4. #4
    Respected Member marlyn&kenny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by angel1231 View Post
    Hello guys,
    Just stop by to share my helps a bit if you read online and posting in the forum....

    Christmass wont be as merry as i planned .I had a miscarriage 23 weeks of gestation last week ...all is going well in pregnancy ....enjoying every moment of it and one day i just woke up and had this terrible pain i my lower abdomen and went to the hospital after one hour i was giving birth to my son ..the doctor told me that he is gone...and i cried .and its so hard to lost it just when you are wanting and dreaming for it..

    is any of you exprience this i just want to hear from you how you cope up from the guilt, that from inside......that comes to you all day and question yourself what did i do wrong ....
    Hi, im very sorry to hear that.... I understand how ur feeling right now... just pray to God to give u another baby, healthy one!
    Don't lose hope
    Marlyn & Kenny forever

  5. #5
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    Hi angel1231,

    My wife had a miscarriage a few months ago and now she is pregnant again.

    There weren't any things she could have done to prevent this, so don't you feel guilty about bad things that happen.

    Give each other love and support and keep your dreams alive about having a baby.

    Warm regards and try your best to be strong and enjoy your holiday time.


  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by angel1231 View Post
    Hello guys,
    Just stop by to share my helps a bit if you read online and posting in the forum....

    Christmass wont be as merry as i planned .I had a miscarriage 23 weeks of gestation last week ...all is going well in pregnancy ....enjoying every moment of it and one day i just woke up and had this terrible pain i my lower abdomen and went to the hospital after one hour i was giving birth to my son ..the doctor told me that he is gone...and i cried .and its so hard to lost it just when you are wanting and dreaming for it..

    is any of you exprience this i just want to hear from you how you cope up from the guilt, that from inside......that comes to you all day and question yourself what did i do wrong ....
    I'm so sorry to hear about your miscarriage angel and i agree with maria, you don't have to feel guilty because its not your fault,
    things just happen sometimes which is beyond our control, you can always try again next time....
    in the meantime, get enough rest and hope you soon recover from the sadness and pain you are feeling now....
    "10% of life is made up of what happens to you, 90% is decided by how you react"
    "The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost"

  7. #7
    Respected Member filipina_owl's Avatar
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    hi angel... im so sorry about what happened to you and your baby. Everything happens for a reason. Just be strong and ask God for strength and courage...

  8. #8
    Respected Member South-east boy's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear your news and it must feel worse as you were so far gone. Try and keep yourself busy and talk to close friends & family when you feel the need. Hopefully you will become pregnant soon enough when the time is right and you'll have a healthy baby.

  9. #9
    Respected Member Tonet's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear about what happened, but just like what others have said, u shouldn't blame urself. There are things that's out of our control and no matter how you try or avoid things, it just happen and there's nothing u can do about it.

    Just don't loose hope and keep trying again. Hope you feel better soon, and if you find it hard to cope your GP should be able to refer you for counseling?

  10. #10
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    am so sorry angel...
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  11. #11
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by angel1231 View Post
    Hello guys,
    Just stop by to share my helps a bit if you read online and posting in the forum....

    Christmass wont be as merry as i planned .I had a miscarriage 23 weeks of gestation last week ...all is going well in pregnancy ....enjoying every moment of it and one day i just woke up and had this terrible pain i my lower abdomen and went to the hospital after one hour i was giving birth to my son ..the doctor told me that he is gone...and i cried .and its so hard to lost it just when you are wanting and dreaming for it..

    is any of you exprience this i just want to hear from you how you cope up from the guilt, that from inside......that comes to you all day and question yourself what did i do wrong ....
    sorry to hear about what happened to ur baby Angel..but like what other members have said please dont feel guilty about it, nobody wanted it to happen..please be strong and take care..

  12. #12
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Mere words cannot express how sorry I am to read your sad news. Being a man, I've had no personal experience of what it must be like to lose a baby through miscarriage. However, I do have "second hand" knowledge of the emotional feelings involved in the loss of a child.

    In 1971, the 10 months' old infant son of my brother and sister-in-law died in extremely tragic circumstances. The parents went on to have two more boys - both now in their mid-to-late 30s - of whom they're very proud. Yet they've never forgotten their first-born.

    But time really IS a great healer. You have absolutely NOTHING to blame yourselves for! And I'm sure the empathy shared by Mike [Aposhark] in his response will be of great solace in easing your immediate sense of sorrow ... and enable you and your husband to look towards the future with renewed hope and confidence.

  13. #13
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    So sorry Angel..

    My sister miscarried many years ago with her first child. But a few years later she was the mother to two sons..

    I am sure your doctor could put you in touch with counseling groups where you can talk to other women who suffered like you have, who might be able to help you with sharing their stories with you.

    All the best for the future.

  14. #14
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    So sorry to hear of your distress, my feelings are the same, as all of the above.

  15. #15
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by angel1231 View Post
    Hello guys,
    Just stop by to share my helps a bit if you read online and posting in the forum....

    Christmass wont be as merry as i planned .I had a miscarriage 23 weeks of gestation last week ...all is going well in pregnancy ....enjoying every moment of it and one day i just woke up and had this terrible pain i my lower abdomen and went to the hospital after one hour i was giving birth to my son ..the doctor told me that he is gone...and i cried .and its so hard to lost it just when you are wanting and dreaming for it..

    is any of you exprience this i just want to hear from you how you cope up from the guilt, that from inside......that comes to you all day and question yourself what did i do wrong ....
    very sorry to hear that sis condolence to both of you.
    all things are possible!

  16. #16
    Respected Member liane's Avatar
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    I'm sorry to hear about what happened to your baby. Don't feel guilty about it, God has some other plans for you, we may not understand it at first but everything happens for a reason.
    Christmas may not be as happy as you planned to be but try to be strong and don't blame yourself for what happened. I hope you'll recover soon. Take care
    Though you do not write books, you are the writer of your life. Because everything depends on YOU.

  17. #17
    Respected Member acs's Avatar
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    sorry to hear about your miscarriage angel..were praying for you.

  18. #18
    Respected Member pocahontas's Avatar
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    Red face

    Quote Originally Posted by angel1231 View Post
    Hello guys,
    Just stop by to share my helps a bit if you read online and posting in the forum....

    Christmass wont be as merry as i planned .I had a miscarriage 23 weeks of gestation last week ...all is going well in pregnancy ....enjoying every moment of it and one day i just woke up and had this terrible pain i my lower abdomen and went to the hospital after one hour i was giving birth to my son ..the doctor told me that he is gone...and i cried .and its so hard to lost it just when you are wanting and dreaming for it..

    is any of you exprience this i just want to hear from you how you cope up from the guilt, that from inside......that comes to you all day and question yourself what did i do wrong ....

    hello Ms. Angel.. i dont know when you post this thread of yours but all of us here in forum hoping you cope step by step to what happened to you. try to think that your not alone in this situation. im not sure if im right giving you this one advice but let me try. i guess let yourself cried you know everything inside to you let it out loudddd.. coz we are all human and we have right of everything we feel and after that............just dont start again..move onnnn i know i might sounds just llike that but i will say again move on not easy but you can try right..your baby might dont want to see you like that. be hold sis! life's goes on..YOUR NOT ALONE..

  19. #19
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    so sorry to hear this!

    theres no reason for you to feel guilty as im sure as a mother you would do anything for your child

    im sure these thing happen for a reason but i couldnt tell you why.

    what ever happens im sure you did your best
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

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