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Thread: for PINAY wives!

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  1. #1
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    Quote Originally Posted by maria_and_matt View Post
    ok i have been reading all the happy endings in this forum. met online fell in love got married, applied for a visa, visa granted, flying to the UK, eventually having kids.
    being married of course is so exciting at first. but as time past, when the spark is gone, do you feel resentment of having to give up life in the philippines for our lives here? are you just as in love with your husband as the day you married him? do you have any regrets?
    sometimes i do.. i look at my husband and think, dear what a miserable git he is. if i had a choice i would go back home and stay there! but unfortunately i have a son whose life is here, and there is no way i would leave him.
    i cannot deny that i find life here so boring, my neighbours i do not know unlike back home where i can go house to house and eat their food. here you just cannot turn up at peoples houses unannounced.
    huge culture difference as well, we are raised to help our elderly. here it nursing homes. we have a huge family that supports as back home, here it is just the hubby, and the kids.
    hayzzz sorry for going on and on i guess i am just missing home so much especially now xmas is here.
    i hope all you pinays have a good xmas and not missing home too much.
    In a lot of ways Maria I really feel for you, personally I would go for the close family culture in the Phils not the isolated existence here in the UK. I know you have been here a long long time and I know it is very hard for you.

    For me home is the Phils and I was born in Scotland, I cant get back this Christmas, too late to book, too expensive now and also my partner is not there just now anyway, she is back in Korea, but I still miss my kids and wish I could get back for them and the rest of the family.

    Sadly a lot of us are miserable gits a lot of British men are very lacking in personality, something I am guilty of for my partner right now :( we have a lot of problems right now :(

    My partner wants to be here in the UK but we have many technical problems on her side regarding that. My big worry has always been that I know how strong her family ties are and I know how much it will hurt her if she comes here for a long time but from a realistic viewpoint I want her here, such hard choices :( and even worse because much of it is outside our control.

    I think you need a good long holiday Maria, get back home and reconnect with your family!


  2. #2
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    I guess it will always be difficult to not just move country, but to move to the other side of the planet and into such a different culture!

    whilst in the Philippines I asked Rizza if she was sure she wanted to do this, marry a western man and move far from all that she has ever known. I understand that kind of change will not be easy, there will be difficult times ahead.

    I am also sure Maria that most Filipino wives will have had similar feelings to you, but you are brave enough to admit it. But like all those other Filipino women you put your marriage and family first

    I just hope that people like me will learn from people like you, so that when I am supporting Rizza in her adjustment to life in the UK it is a little easier for us..

  3. #3
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    I guess it will always be difficult to not just move country, but to move to the other side of the planet and into such a different culture!

    whilst in the Philippines I asked Rizza if she was sure she wanted to do this, marry a western man and move far from all that she has ever known. I understand that kind of change will not be easy, there will be difficult times ahead.

    I am also sure Maria that most Filipino wives will have had similar feelings to you, but you are brave enough to admit it. But like all those other Filipino women you put your marriage and family first

    I just hope that people like me will learn from people like you, so that when I am supporting Rizza in her adjustment to life in the UK it is a little easier for us..

    i am sure rizza will be ok having a supportive husband like you, its just that with us my hubby thinks that i am now ok after having been here for 17 yrs. i am a filipina at heart and my heart, and home will always be the philippines
    God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.

  4. #4
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimOttley View Post
    In a lot of ways Maria I really feel for you, personally I would go for the close family culture in the Phils not the isolated existence here in the UK. I know you have been here a long long time and I know it is very hard for you.

    For me home is the Phils and I was born in Scotland, I cant get back this Christmas, too late to book, too expensive now and also my partner is not there just now anyway, she is back in Korea, but I still miss my kids and wish I could get back for them and the rest of the family.

    Sadly a lot of us are miserable gits a lot of British men are very lacking in personality, something I am guilty of for my partner right now :( we have a lot of problems right now :(

    My partner wants to be here in the UK but we have many technical problems on her side regarding that. My big worry has always been that I know how strong her family ties are and I know how much it will hurt her if she comes here for a long time but from a realistic viewpoint I want her here, such hard choices :( and even worse because much of it is outside our control.

    I think you need a good long holiday Maria, get back home and reconnect with your family!

    hi jim,
    i hope that you will be with your partner soon. i know that i get lonely here but my husband and son is worth it. it will be too for your partner. this thread was just me thinking out loud. i hope things get better for you soon ~hugz~

    i will go back home in july so that is one thing to look forward to

    have a good xmas jim!
    God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.

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