Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
Makes you wonder why these illegal immigrants try to get in this country that is supposed to be like Heaven with streets paved of gold! Same as those sneaking into the US, all that happens is they end up working in sweat shops for £5 a day.

Maria why not do what I do when you see a 'vacancy' somewhere?

You won't be the only one within say a 10 mile radius feeling that you do, so start a kind of 'support' group. You run it, you're the boss, and just use word of mouth and the internet. All you need do is arrange 'food parties' (and we know you'll like that ) twice a week in different people's houses, and then move onto nights out, day trips, etc. It gives you plenty to do and look forward towards. You can use this forum to start it if you wish.

Same goes for other 'lonely' Filipina's out there. You say you miss the family atmosphere, so make one here, it won't happen on it's own.

We could all be part of the countrywide 'FilipinoUK Friends Group' Whadya think?
sounds like a good idea but i have learnt that not everybody is as nice and as pleasant as the majority... you sometimes get characters that seem ok on the outside but not so good on the inside...
i also find that most pinays here especially where i live are so jealous of others.. they seem to always be in competition with what others have.. and i do not get that.. lets say if this pinay got a 3 bedroom house the others would say well i got a 4 bedroom house! this pinay gota new car, others would start a gossip that well she owes a lot of money! i mean for crying out loud what cant we just mind our own business and be happy for what our fellow pinay have.
just an example i was walking my dog and bumped into 'old pinay friends' they asked me where i worked and i said i dont, the reply was 'so ano gawa mo nagpapalaki ka na lng ng puke mo?' (please let ur wives translate this i cannot even find the right words to use!) and i went on to say that last year when i was actively looking for a part time job they circulated rumours that we are having financial difficulties...

all in all i think that i am still lucky with my hubby and son.. that maybe i think my husband is boring and he is a miserable git no doubt about that, but he loves me, he gives me everything and for that i am truly thankful for. most of this is just culture differences. i stay here coz i love them, i just hope he knows what i have given up to be here with them.

for all you brits love your pinay wives, we have given up so much to be here with you. merry xmas to all, i hope that we all have a blessed one!