Hello guys,
Just stop by to share my feelings........it helps a bit if you read online and posting in the forum....
Christmass wont be as merry as i planned .I had a miscarriage 23 weeks of gestation last week ...all is going well in pregnancy ....enjoying every moment of it and one day i just woke up and had this terrible pain i my lower abdomen and went to the hospital after one hour i was giving birth to my son ..the doctor told me that he is gone...and i cried .and its so hard to lost it just when you are wanting and dreaming for it..
is any of you exprience this i just want to hear from you how you cope up from the guilt, that from inside......that comes to you all day and question yourself what did i do wrong ....
Hi, im very sorry to hear that.... I understand how ur feeling right now... just pray to God to give u another baby, healthy one!
Don't lose hope