Quote Originally Posted by angel1231 View Post
Hello guys,
Just stop by to share my feelings........it helps a bit if you read online and posting in the forum....

Christmass wont be as merry as i planned .I had a miscarriage 23 weeks of gestation last week ...all is going well in pregnancy ....enjoying every moment of it and one day i just woke up and had this terrible pain i my lower abdomen and went to the hospital after one hour i was giving birth to my son ..the doctor told me that he is gone...and i cried .and its so hard to lost it just when you are wanting and dreaming for it..

is any of you exprience this i just want to hear from you how you cope up from the guilt, that from inside......that comes to you all day and question yourself what did i do wrong ....

hello Ms. Angel.. i dont know when you post this thread of yours but all of us here in forum hoping you cope step by step to what happened to you. try to think that your not alone in this situation. im not sure if im right giving you this one advice but let me try. i guess let yourself cried you know everything inside to you let it out loudddd.. coz we are all human and we have right of everything we feel and after that............just dont start again..move onnnn i know i might sounds just llike that but i will say again move on not easy but you can try right..your baby might dont want to see you like that. be hold sis! life's goes on..YOUR NOT ALONE..