Well, I guess I will get up around 6 am as usual, feed my 2 cats, make a cup of tea, probably light my fire, then jump back into bed.
I'll phone my wife, as it looks like she is going back to the province, to stay with her family...Glad she's not going to be on her own, as she lives alone.
(I live alone too).Will then look in on the forum.
Christmas breakfast, is a bit of a tradition.....A big Pork Pie, with a nice bit of chutney. (wont eat all of it)...People I used to tell, would say urggghhhh!! pork pie for breakfast, but I love it, it reminds me of my late dad, who also used to enjoy it.
(Have to say though, I did give it up, for a few years, when I was a vegetarian in my twenties).
I live up a track, just on the edge of a wood, so I'll go for a walk through the woods, up over the top & look out over the Gordano valley, hope it's a nice crisp frosty morning, or some snow about.
About mid-morning, I will go to my mums, who lives locally. My brother's coming down from London, he's divorced, so it will just be the three of us. My sister has other plans.
Used to love watching Top of the pops....is it on this year?...You can't beat the 70's christmas records.
Christmas dinner, will be after that...Turkey, roast potatoes, mmmm plenty of sprouts for me please...love 'em, bread sauce & all the trimmings etc. etc.
...Then probably nod off, still wearing the stupid hat from the cracker, until it's time for Wallace & Gromit, or whatever else is on TV?
Later in the evening, I'll be back home.
Next year, I'll hopefully be with my wife, here or there....I don't mind.
Merry Christmas everybody.