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Thread: philippine visitors visa application

  1. #1
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    philippine visitors visa application

    i have read that i need to submit a "confirmed travel itinerary" with my application for a philippine visitors visa. but on sheet 2 of the application were it says requirements it does not mention this. if i do need to submit this. i need to get my travel arrangements before i know iam granted a visa. can somebody shed some light on this matter. thanks

  2. #2
    Respected Member Bluebirdjones's Avatar
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    .... can u please confirm...
    U are a Pinoy trying to travel to the UK
    A Brit seeking a visitor's visa to the Philippines ?

    If the second .... a visa for a full UK passport holder is NOT required.
    No man is an island, but Barry is

  3. #3
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    sorry about that. iam british. wanting a philippine visitors visa.

  4. #4
    Respected Member Bluebirdjones's Avatar
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    If u are staying for just 2-3 weeks, there's no restriction, or visa required.
    When u arrive in the Philippines, immigration will just stamp your passport
    (for 1mnth if I recall ..... yes guys ?)

    If u intend staying (much) longer u can renew your visa out there, with no
    real hassle.

    No man is an island, but Barry is

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by therunningman View Post
    sorry about that. iam british. wanting a philippine visitors visa.
    No need for a visa, as Jonesy mentioned.

    Automatically, on arrival, you will be given a 21 day visa.

    This can be extended as required, at little cost, before it expires.

    Have a nice trip

  6. #6
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    sorry, iam going for 2 months. maybe i am mistaken about which visa iam talking about. ok lets start again. a tourist visa. do i need to get my plane ticket before before i apply for my visa so i can include the "travel itenary" with the application. but on the application form requirements it does not mention this.

  7. #7
    Respected Member Bluebirdjones's Avatar
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    From the Philippine Embassy web-site

    Philippine Immigration officers have the authority to grant or deny admission. British, Irish and Icelandic passport holders may enter and stay in the Philippines for 21 days without visa provided that they hold valid tickets for their return journey to port of origin or next port of destination, and that their passports are valid for at least 6 months beyond the intended period of stay in the Philippines.

    For periods longer than this, u can either apply in London (£22) or while you are there.

    You do NOT have a provide a full itinery, nor a plane ticket.

    No man is an island, but Barry is

  8. #8
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    I just recently spent a couple of months in the Philippines. I went on the normal 21 day visa, then extended it a couple of weeks into my stay, at the local bureau of immigration....I wouldn't say it was that cheap though, as it cost me 5000 something or other php.

    Maybe you can arrange it, before you go at the above mentioned price of £22
    But if not, don't worry, just find your closest immigration office when you are there....But don't forget to do it.

  9. #9
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sim11UK View Post
    I just recently spent a couple of months in the Philippines. I went on the normal 21 day visa, then extended it a couple of weeks into my stay, at the local bureau of immigration....I wouldn't say it was that cheap though, as it cost me 5000 something or other php.

    Maybe you can arrange it, before you go at the above mentioned price of £22
    But if not, don't worry, just find your closest immigration office when you are there....But don't forget to do it.
    , Simon it AIN'T that cheap to extend one's stay in the Phils ... in fact it's damned-well expensive! I did it twice at the Bureau of Immigration in Davao City ... and the second time, it was about Php1,000 dearer than the first. So maybe our friend SHOULD pre-arrange it in the UK at the £22 quoted!

  10. #10
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Agreed Arthur

  11. #11
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    again ... Lee, isn't it? I remember welcoming you to the forum back in August!

    Well now, Lee ... as a British Passport holder, you can visit the Philippines for up to 21 days WITHOUT the need for a visa. But, as you intend staying there for two months, I believe it may be possible to obtain some kind of 'waiver' to take you up to 59 days ... *by making the necessary arrangements PRIOR TO TRAVEL. And, based on what others have already mentioned, *this would seem the "lesser of the two evils" costwise - working out at £22 or thereabouts. The choice is yours, mate.

  12. #12
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by therunningman View Post
    do i need to get my plane ticket before before i apply for my visa so i can include the "travel itenary" with the application. but on the application form requirements it does not mention this.
    If you know [even approximately] WHEN you want to travel, then ... yes ... it would certainly seem a good idea to go straight ahead and purchase your plane tickets either direct from the airline, through its nearest agent or whatever, so that the 'Return' portion is clearly visible to *whom you apply to, regarding pre-payment for the extended period abroad.

    N.B. Sorry ... I, personally, have no definite knowledge of *WHO that might BE, but I'm very sure someone else on this forum will keep you right on that score!

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by therunningman View Post
    sorry about that. iam british. wanting a philippine visitors visa.
    Unless its changed since I was in Manila, Jun ethis year... a visitor can stay 21 days without a visa. If a longer stay is required you can apply for an extension - making 59 days from your arrival the cost is about P4000 but check their website.

    You can re-new on payment ..for another 59 days.

    I think its a maximum of 2 years but you need to check at the 12 month point. AND you are supposed to have a valid return air ticket.

    Obvioulsy if you plan on staying more than 21 days...its better to apply at the embassy in London and pay there... it avoids any opportunist pricing.

    Hope that helps...

    ( edit) PS... the extension to 59 days assumes you did this "on a whim" to further your stay as other will advise...if you PLAN on a 59/60 stay....see the above last line


  14. #14
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arturo View Post
    Unless its changed since I was in Manila, Jun ethis year... a visitor can stay 21 days without a visa. If a longer stay is required you can apply for an extension - making 59 days from your arrival the cost is about P4000 but check their website.

    You can re-new on payment ..for another 59 days.

    I think its a maximum of 2 years but you need to check at the 12 month point. AND you are supposed to have a valid return air ticket.

    Obvioulsy if you plan on staying more than 21 days...its better to apply at the embassy in London and pay there... it avoids any opportunist pricing.

    Hope that helps...

    ( edit) PS... the extension to 59 days assumes you did this "on a whim" to further your stay as other will advise...if you PLAN on a 59/60 stay....see the above last line

    For opportunist pricing read kano or white man's tax. It's supposed to be the same everywhere, a price fixed by the Philippine government, but as you will have read in previous postings, if your a whitey, what you will be charged can vary wildly. Here are the official prices


  15. #15
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    Everywhere i looked for information on a 59 day tourist visa they said i must include a travel Itinerary with my application. But on the downloaded pdf forms from the Philippine embassy their were no requirements for this. But i had to know for sure before i submitted the application. So i just phone up the embassy which as taken all day for them to pick up. and they said i do not have to include travel Itinerary. Its best to get it right on the first time, rather than get it rejected. thanks for all your help.

  16. #16
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    I think u can get a 59 day visa from embassy here.

    My friend has done this once in Liverpool without any problems and told me they could help them enough

  17. #17
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    my partner got a 59 day visa without showing flight itinerary or plane ticket at the phil embassy in london.

    the philippines is desperate for tourists so as long as you're not on the barred list, you will have no problem getting a visa

    i suggest you buy a special delivery envelope from the post office so they can send your passport back by post. otherwise, you can wait for your passport with visa later in the afternoon assuming the consul is around to sign the paperwork

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