Hello all..
I was doing my usual Christmas shopping today, like every year. Getting angry with the crowds pushing past me in HMV as you do, when I thought I would go an catch a movie to waste a couple of hours with. I get in to the cinema for free as a good friend of mine is one of the managers, all was good.
Then, whilst I was walking along Market Street and about to head up to the cinema. I started to notice couples, being couples.. Holding hands, the men struggling with their many carrier bags full of stuff, trying to not look like they are not struggling with all those bags and trying not to break the pretence that they can carry everything for their wives/girlfriends (okay, I just rolled of story there...) Anyway, it hit me at that moment.. That I was alone
When I was single, seeing couples was never an issue. Indeed with my last girlfriend I had distanced myself from her so much that technically I was not bothered about being away from her.
But with Rizza it is so much different..
I am in love and I am in a relationship! But not being with my mahal was suddenly worse than at any moment since I came back from the Philippines! And then I suddenly started to think ahead to Christmas and the coming New Year and being so far apart.. And so a trip to the cinema to see even more couples holding hands and what not just seemed like a bad idea.. And so I went home..
I guess this is a familiar story for many on here! Long distance relationships are a pain and I think I never fully knew that until today. But I am wondering if others on here were able to focus on the future and get on with everything else, like I hope to do for the next so many months?