Quote Originally Posted by South-east boy View Post
What annoys me about supermarkets and packing your self, is that some whizz them across scanning very quickly, quicker than you can pack and sometimes you're spending ages trying to prize a plastic bag open and they're still whizzing items across! Then they have finished, you're still packing and they want you to pay and pack at the same time! Then if you pay by cash, they give you notes, coins and receipt back & you're still trying to pack! Then they and the next person in the queue is waiting for you! It gets me so annoyed sometimes! Lidl's is the worst for that + they only have a tiny ares for the items once they have been scanned. Also why they can't have shopping baskets in that shop, I don't know?!
Tim, my friend ... I couldn't agree more! That's about it in a nutshell ... and it's a bloody nightmare! Trying to pack shopping into these flimsy *bags ... once you've - eventually - prised *them open [especially if, like me, you're all "fingers and thumbs"] ... when there's an apparent lack of understanding on the part of a queue of impatient folk behind, waiting to go through the checkout ... is something I can readily identify with! And as for for Lidl & Aldi ... well ... as a rule, the quality's good. But I object to paying for carrier bags on principle!