Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
Tim, my friend ... I couldn't agree more! That's about it in a nutshell ... and it's a bloody nightmare! Trying to pack shopping into these flimsy *bags ... once you've - eventually - prised *them open [especially if, like me, you're all "fingers and thumbs"] ... when there's an apparent lack of understanding on the part of a queue of impatient folk behind, waiting to go through the checkout ... is something I can readily identify with! And as for for Lidl & Aldi ... well ... as a rule, the quality's good. But I object to paying for carrier bags on principle!
I've bought a few of their thicker bags and always use them again (I keep them in the boot of my car). Nearly every time I go, I go for just a few items and don't really need a trolley as I'm only shopping for one (or don't have a £'s change to put in the trolley), but I nearly always end up coming away with 2 or 3 times what I set out to buy! I think I shall have to try to remember to keep a £'s change in my car just for trolleys!