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Thread: i need help!!

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  1. #1
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maria_and_matt View Post
    ......what is the big deal about having a british passport anyway? easier to travel? i travel, been to the states 4 times europe a lot of times too. it has not been a problem before, a hassle maybe but not a big deal.
    ....and Millions of Filipino's would pay £100,000's to change lives with you.

    You're living in your own self-made-pity, and by thinking about all the negatives you are digging a deeper hole and heading towards full on depression. Only one person can help you and that is you. You need to get off your ass now and go help others in need, that gives you a sense of self worth and satisfaction.

    I get the sense from some of the posts (including from Filipino's) that they think you are being selfish, but nothing wrong with thinking only of yourself, as long as it makes you happy doing so.

    You like cooking (and eating from what I've heard from you ), so make some cakes, and take them to the old folk in the area you don't even know. They'll be grateful, invite you for a chat, tell others how great you are, and so it snowballs.

    Keith - Administrator

  2. #2
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    ....and Millions of Filipino's would pay £100,000's to change lives with you.

    You're living in your own self-made-pity, and by thinking about all the negatives you are digging a deeper hole and heading towards full on depression. Only one person can help you and that is you. You need to get off your ass now and go help others in need, that gives you a sense of self worth and satisfaction.

    I get the sense from some of the posts (including from Filipino's) that they think you are being selfish, but nothing wrong with thinking only of yourself, as long as it makes you happy doing so.

    You like cooking (and eating from what I've heard from you ), so make some cakes, and take them to the old folk in the area you don't even know. They'll be grateful, invite you for a chat, tell others how great you are, and so it snowballs.

    i got off my ass ages ago... now apart from getting tired shopping, i am involved in visiting various hospitals and hospice taking Ruby, as we got her trained to be a PAT dog. i visit the elderly only in our neighborhood to see if they need help with shopping. the only real reason for my so called depression is early menopause, and i am not on on HRT (none of it men would understand nor most filipinas in this forum as they are a bit young). most days when i can hardly get up as they are some deterioration in my spinal cord which cause a lot of pain from my neck down, i still do my dang hardest to get up and see people so i dont wallow in self pity again.
    so all in all given my present circumstances i think i am doing well, picking myself up and trying hard to live again. i can go on a psycho babble
    on emotional and physical things i go through caused by an early hysterectomy but what is the point? my going on and on wont change the fact that i am on menopause and life as we all know it has got no pauses or rewind.
    that is all.... bow!
    God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.

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