Since this shower has been buying votes with jobs....
From day 1........
And on, and on, and on.... Ad nauseam.....
Thank you for the links. But I would stress that the examples you've kindly provided, relate to the top brass in NATIONAL Government Departments, Senior Civil Servants and Chief Executive Officers of Local Authorities &c. And YES ... I'd be the first to agree it's ALL WRONG that people at THEIR level should receive such massive payouts in the shape of a bonus. Likewise, the "Golden Handshakes" so freely distributed to incompetent Directors and the like, in both the Public and Private Sectors.
For one horrible moment there, I thoughtyou'd read some article or other that indicated incentive bonus schemes were to be introduced for ordinary Council workers [like I WAS] ... hence my use of the
icon ... as it would've come too late for ex-employees such as myself. Phew!
"Jobs for the Boys", eh?Yup ...
... in the same way as I would fully endorse the sentiments you've expressed about our current political masters. Thing is, though ... as I've already mentioned on another thread somewhere here ... who's to say their rivals would be any better?
I like that one:
A culture of rewarding failure prevails in officialdom, with the bonus system cynically exploited by an elite who are more enthusiastic about boosting their own earnings than serving the public.
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