I agree and who she decides to vote for is her own business even if she takes a liking to the Monster Raving Looney Party.
She actually filled in the forms online and it says on there that the completed forms will be sent out to her and Mary Grace to be signed and returned.
I know of the service you mentioned but blank or filled in as you say we had not joy. The good old fashioned post office which seem to be becoming rarer saved the day.
She checked the citizenship forms for errors before we even got home.
I don't know where you check that online, but her friend who also lives in Coventry recently attended her interview in Warwick which is only about 10 miles from us.
The Wife as you can imagine wanted her passport as soon as possible she was offered a date i think two or more weeks of in a shady part of london where if you do some googling-binging will tell you they are reported not to be very friendly and due to the high levels of applicants for first passports heavily over subscribed. There is a list of the offices somewhere and the opening times they have.
The third choice for us was Reading further away but far nicer surroundings and the staff were very friendly to us both
Plus we could make a day out of it. They also had far more convient times for us both ie a saturday
Basically when Louella or anyone else rings up if she knows which offices she can apply for and the distance/ ease of it makes it far easier as in the Wifes case I was at working when she got the letter and meant she kept having to ring me and the interview booking line to decide on the best date.
Of course if your not in a great hurry then im sure you just pick the nearest and wait